GEH Commercials

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Gwen told me that Eileen would be an issue if she didn't follow her contractual responsibilities and leave Christian alone. We found out she had a son and he looked similar to Christian in looks. His birthdate was six months after she eloped with Jose Rodriquez jr.. I decided to find out why her and Jose Rodriquez Jr. divorced. It's not hard to hide those kind of rumors. Plus she keeps a schedule of events. I decide to have someone test the DNA of both Christian and the boys DNA without anyone finding out. This might come back to bite us in the butt.

I have mom bring Jose the third with us at the commercial. I watch as they set up the shot of me walking and talking about the latest thing I am pitching to consumers. Mom is entertaining Jose in a play area that they have at GEH. I suddenly see Christian and the woman from his office walking by and I notice they are holding each other and she is showing off an engagement ring. I watch as they walk around the set. She must have asked to be brought here to check things out, she must think I am a threat to her and Christian's relationship. I decide to bring Jose out to meet Christian and I do just that.

Eileen is coming towards us with a little boy who looks like Christian and could very well be Christian's child. The boy is four or five years old and I can see why Jose jr. divorced her because unless someone in his family looks like Christian this baby doesn't look a thing like Jose jr.. I am sure she brought him here to see him and get us thinking he is Christian's son.

I tell Eileen that I want a DNA test done and a copy the child's birth certificate. She pulls out the birth certificate and I look at the date and I need to find out my schedule back then. I ask for a DNA test and she gets nervous about it. She knows that I will definitely get the DNA testing done and I ordered them done, but Roz sends me a text message saying she needs to talk to me immediately and show me something before I say anything else to Eileen. She had just walked past us to get to the set and sign papers.

I just got the reports on Christian Grey and Jose Rodriquez the third. I also found out who his real father was, because he just so happens to be another model she was on a job with. They were known Jeremy Thomas and I show him the photos and also photos of him and Eileen. Eileen became a person that the paparazzi followed and we were able to get these photos from his assistant that actually took the photos knowing that they were of Jeremy and Eileen in romantic situations and actually caught some of them in intimate moments. They knew he wasn't Christian Grey her fiancé, they had been together for sometime and they even got together when Christian was in town as well. I had Jeremy tested as well. He was in to audition for another commercial and I got him swabbed saying it was part of the commercial. Not all models have high IQs and attend Ivy League schools. Anyway neither of them are the father of Jose the third. I hand Christian the report and keep the one for Jeremy in the file in case she tries to get child support from him. There is a fourth man who is the father.

I am relieved that he isn't my son, but unhappy that three men aren't the father. So there is a father who has no idea he has a son. A boy who doesn't know who his father is. We thank Roz for getting the tests done and very quickly. We are heading home and Roz and Gwen will be here another month to get the commercial done. I am about to leave when Eileen asks to speak to me alone regarding Jose the third. I ask Anastasia to wait in the car for me.

I try to keep my face straight and it is very hard to do. I tell him that Jose is his son and I really could use back child support. If he doesn't want to give it to me I will take him to court and sue him for the money and make it very public and he will lose a lot of money. The public will have an issue.

I pull out the paternity test that Roz had done and tell her that if she wants to pursue child support and announcing that I am unwilling to pay her child support after nearly five years of not telling me about the boy that I will provide the paparazzi the paternity tests that prove I am not her boys father. I will also provide Jeremy Thomas with his results saying he isn't the father as well. I tell her that after her contract is up that we won't need her ever again and if one word gets out that she will never get another job in the future doing high end modeling or commercials. I take the report back from her and get in the car with Anastasia. I shut the door and buckle us up and the driver takes off. I call building security and have someone watch Eileen and her family and keep them in the studio or the childcare area only.

I can tell that Eileen was outed for trying to get child support from Christian. I got a call from security telling me that Christian restricted Eileen to the floor she is working on and her son and mother are the same way. They tell me that she will not be signed to a new contract with any GEH companies after this one ends.

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