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Louise Cooper
Everything we dreamed of was destroyed by one book and Cooperville is now just a place where nothing is ever going to be built there. At least we got close. Grant is still facing life in prison. I had hoped to destroy both of the men who blew up our dreams. Jack Hyde is still alive and free to do more damage with his books he publishes. He didn't listen to our threats and neither did the guy who wrote the book.

Grant Cooper
I was hoping to get my hands on Jack Hyde for publishing that book after the threats were made. He was supposed to be dead but somehow it went wrong and they didn't know what to do so they just stuffed him into the drivers seat and ran. Louise reported it too soon and they heard the sirens and couldn't follow through. I lost the land and all the investors after they read about the book they found out things were true about what I had done and was about to do. I still can't find out who bought up all the land around my lots, but they had most of it and created a landlocked parcel that prevented me access to my properties. They did it overnight. I couldn't get an easement because I didn't know who owned it. I tried selling the land but alas no one wanted to pay such a large amount amount for it, soon everyone found out that there was no easement and now way of getting it from the surrounding land owners. I wasn't able to pay the loans back so the bank took the best offer they could for the properties and I still owe them for it. They settled for a quarter of what I paid for it all. Investors had investigated me and found enough to send the feds after me and they all stuck to me like magnets.

I am following the investigators who were involved in helping get Grant charged and tried for fraud and embezzlement. They haven't found the most important evidence and that was ordering hits on people. Grant chose the wrong people for the jobs. They left him holding the bag after taking the cash. Now he has me involved and I just got fed up with it and I couldn't believe the fallout from the last time. I don't want to continue with this and met with an attorney to discuss this issue with him and I followed him to assure he was going where he said he would. He did just that. Suddenly my phone rang and he wants me to turn myself in. I am to meet him at the police station now.

Doug Tierney
I hate these cases and she is a pro bono case. Louise Cooper has came forward with evidence and she is going for a plea agreement. She is still going to be facing a life sentence, but she can't know that at this stage. We have her permission to search her files along with her properties for everything they can to establish what crimes both of them are guilty of.

The police arrest her on the spot after a line up with Jack Hyde and a positive ID of the woman the night of his accident. Her DNA matched the DNA inside the car and the drivers seat steering wheel was covered in it. They are holding her until they have all the charges filed against her. They are waiting for me to come and talk please deal. At this point they are willing to take some time off but not much. I wished she hadn't came to me.

Jack Hyde
I am glad they are both behind the bars. Justice isn't always easy or equal but in this situation there are no winners. I think of the lives they took and for what? All because of greed and corruption. The book Cooperville was published and people started being killed. It was all true and no matter how we sold it we made a lot of money because people thought it was fictional. I didn't check things out because I thought it was a fictional story. I never asked if it was true. I got all caught up in the story and never looked into anything else it was that good. It made the bestseller list and it is still making money now.

We found out today that everyone involved in the car crash are behind bars. We have put liens against the Coopers assets and will soon be able to get the cash from any sales of their assets. We won civil suits against both of them. Carrick is glad we are done with the law suits for Melissa James we ended up earning a million dollars from all the lawsuits combined. Melissa bought all of the properties around Cooperville and Grant and Louise's landlocked parcel was sold for a song to her. She has plans for all the land and has reached out to Elliott to help her with development of the property. She has decided to make it a safe place for young couples with children. She said that they had a hard time thinking about where they wanted to raise their children and if the area would change. Elliott signed a contract with her and Christian is helping with financing all of it. I helped draw up the contracts and saw the designs for it and it is amazing.

Christian and I are working on a child friendly housing community for Melissa James widow of writer David James. She is finally putting her life together after everything that has happened to her loved ones. Kate has asked to do an interview and possibly a book about her and her husband. She said a book killed her loved ones and she thinks that a book would bring them back to life so she agreed to let Kate write it.

After Cooperville was the title we settled on and we have been working long hours to get it written. We became friends and she met Thomas Sawyer my bodyguard and they are dating now. I see wedding bells in their future.

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