Defensive Driving

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I took Robert and Anastasia out to teach them defensive driving lessons along with safety training if you run into crazy drivers who chase you down the road. Too many if those people are around. This will also help with their car insurance. Plus it helps them learn to concentrate on driving along with what's going on around you and who is watching or following them. I got two more in the training, Mia and Kate. Carla laughed and told me good luck with the drivers training. She got the Ob/GYN andI got this. After six months they all had their drivers license and their certificate for defensive driving skills. Kate was the best of all four of them. Mia was last in line and decided to take the course again.

Mia, Kate and I are heading towards the airport to pick up the multi million CEO of GEH. Kate is driving like a bat out of hell in our new mini van. If dad saw her he wouldn't let her drive it again. Robert is cringing because he's the one who let her take the keys from him. Mia drives and texts, I of course am the only one who has been in a wreck, it wasn't my fault at all. But we had to get the street videos to prove it was the guy who hit me because he was looking at a girl in a very low cut top and short skirt. We waited for the police, but he tried to bully me because of my size and he made a huge mistake laying his hands on me. I had him on the ground crying for his mama. Dad started teaching me how to handle a bully before we started school.

We arrive just in time to pick up Christian from the airport. Mia runs to get him and Robert follows her to help with their luggage. Apparently his partner is arriving today, well she is his COO and not a partner in the company. She is going to stay with him until her apartment is completed. Her wife Gwen is arriving tomorrow and going to be setting things up at her companies new office here. I circle around and there they are with a lot of bags, everything finally gets loaded in the back and Roz and Christian are ready to go. Mia is asking all kinds of questions and Roz and Christian are trying to keep up with her and finally the rest of us try to calm Mia down. I am just about to drive through a cross walk when a girl passes out in front of the van. Anastasia jumps out along with Robert, she tells me to pull over and call 911 for an ambulance. All of us watch as Anastasia tries to stop the bleeding of this familiar looking girl. I know her, she was reported missing by her grandmother. Leila Williams parents apparently didn't know she was missing at all. Genie Williams her paternal grandmother reported her missing months ago after her parents couldn't tell her where Leila was at. That was what I heard from various sources. The ambulance arrives and they take her to the hospital and Anastasia says that she wants to go to the hospital to make sure that the girls family is called. I give her the name of the grandmother and she calls her while we drive to the hospital to drop Anastasia and Robert off. Robert calls his dad and lets him know what is going on.

This is a very exciting homecoming that's for sure. We insist on seeing how this young lady is doing and mom arrives and lets us know if we hadn't helped her should would have died. Her injuries were that bad. Dad showed up to help the grandmother get custody of the girl from her parents. They were too drunk and high to know that their daughter nearly died and there was a missing persons report on her made by the only person who missed and loved her. She had tried to get custody of Leila and each time her parents fooled the courts. They were getting a check for her along with other government help. Her grandmother had made sure Leila had the necessities, but her parents sold off what they could to get cash. Dad had been called in by a friend of the grandmother to help her get custody of her granddaughter. I told him I would pay the fees and the hospital bills. He told me not to worry that everything was being handled.

I told everyone that they should go home and let Grace and I handle things for the girl. They finally left for Christian's penthouse. Ray and Carla showed up and I explained what we were aware of at this point. The cops were brought in because of Leila's condition when she was found. I doubt she wants everyone here to know her condition. An OB/ GYN was called in to do the rape kit before it was too late. Genie Williams was sitting patiently waiting to see her granddaughter when her son and daughter in law walked in drunk and high escorted by two policemen.

Roger Williams
The cops arrived just as we were getting high and they told us they found our daughter, we thought she was in bed asleep. I look over at Bernie and she is keeping her mouth shut about it, like I told her to do if the cops came by again.

Bernadette Williams
I know better than to open my mouth and say one word. Roger keeps threatening me crossing his throat with his index finger. It has gotten so good at that. No one has noticed the scars on my neck from his attack on me leaving me scared to death he would cut my carotid artery and leave me bleeding out. He makes the threat often.

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