A New Sawyer

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Melissa and I decided to adopt our first child after she sold her apartment and moved into my house. I bought a nice big house and Felicity had never seen it or been in it. It needed a lot of renovations and I had help from Elliott and Ray on getting everything perfect. It had a nursery and I decided to donate the furniture to help out a family who couldn't afford the things for a newborn. Grace knew who could use it and took care of removing it and having it given to the new family. Now we are looking forward to getting a child of our own.

When I got the call I had just completed my children's book series. I sent it to SIP to be published. We are going to pick up a foundling and I am unsure of age or sex. The caseworker hadn't even been able to tell us that much. Caseworker Josie Rose Leigh said she just got the files on the child and it wasn't complete.

Caseworker Leigh
I knew that this child was just what this couple needed after everything they have been through. A homeless woman found the newborn in her cardboard box with a note on it giving the baby up. It stated that she couldn't keep the baby because the father was hunting her and the baby to kill her and the baby. I couldn't bring any unwanted attention to the homeless woman or the baby if this was the case. I knew Thomas Sawyer would have the resources to protect the child from her father. Whoever he might be. They failed to tell me anything so I had no idea it was a pair of identical twins and they were healthy, very healthy.

I examined the twin boys and they were very healthy to have been found by a homeless woman. She brought them in and disappeared after giving the note to the intake nurse. I was called along with the cops. No one could locate the homeless woman after she gave them the note and the boys. She said she needed to go back to her shopping cart. The video footage showed her arriving but never leaving the hospital.

Georgia Linstrom
I could only do one thing with my twin sons and I decided to do it in a way they couldn't find me. I bought clothing from a homeless woman and took my boys to the hospital and I gave the note and the boys to the nurse in the ER. I found a moment to go and change from the filthy clothing and dressed in normal clothing and walked out without looking at the cameras. I had my phone up to my face and made a quick getaway. Now to get far from Seattle and blend into New York City's nameless workers. He won't find me again.

We pick up twin boys from the hospital and Grace was the one who gave us their medical records. They are two weeks old today, their birthdates and weights were on the note left with them. They can't figure out where the homeless woman disappeared or how. She probably had an escape plan worked out before she arrived. The boys have dark hair and green eyes just like Melissa and I do. Caseworker Leigh had to hurry and make a file for the second boy. We get photos from the hospital and I have them take photos of us all together. I also have Grace and the caseworker included in the photos. Melissa is smiling ear to ear and has happy tears. Thomas jr and David Allen Sawyer were the names we decided on.

I am just so happy that we have our babies. We had the nursery completed within hours of getting the twins. Christian had been involved along with the rest of our family. We are definitely adopted by the Greys, Steele's, Millers, Taylor's and the Kavanagh's. They were at our home welcoming us and the twins home. The nurseries were everything we could have hoped for and everyone pitched in. Grace delayed us leaving the hospital with all kinds of information about taking care of the boys and getting us two car seats and helped us put them in the car. Talk about everything we would need for the twins. It was all waiting for us in their nurseries. It was March and the boys have grown so much this summer. Kate is pregnant now and Mia is having another baby as well. Guess this is the year for babies.

Caseworker Leigh
The adoption went through quickly and they have been the best parents for the boys I could have asked for. The paperwork was finally completed and they had the final approval in a month. They have had the boys for six months now and sent me photos of them. Melissa has said if I find any more children they are willing to adopt two or three more.

There are days that life just is so unfair and cruel and today was one of those days. I am grateful that I have the ability to help others through my skills and my connections. Anastasia has sent invites to Theo's first birthday to all the family members and I am going to be going, well I thought I would be going. They called me to the ER and I arrive and see three little faces with blood on them and their clothing. I order them cleaned up, but the cops stop me from completing that order. They need the clothing and photos are being taken of the children and they ask me to take photos of all their injuries as I am trying to work at calming down the three frightened little faces. The cops are bagging and tagging as they go. I notice bruises on the children but nothing else. I have them put in hospital gowns and taken for X-rays and scans to make sure they don't have any internal injuries we can't see. They can't talk about whatever it was and they are in shock. We put them on IV solutions. They are thin for their ages and height. I am given their information and told they have no family left. Caseworker Leigh is talking to the cops about the situation and she is unhappy. I am going to miss Theo's birthday. Robert has arrived to help me and Ruth is soon helping with them and they tell me they can take over and attend the birthday party. They just came from there after hearing about my needing to stay for these three. They took over and I made it to Theo eating his birthday cupcake. It was great.

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