Wedding Plans

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After Christian told me about the paternity tests showing he and Jeremy Thomas weren't the boys father he told me she probably won't stop at trying to make a scene for the paparazzi. I need to be prepared for any kind of drama from Eileen. We shop for various things for the wedding. Mom is here and she helps me find a nice simple wedding dress and veil. We found shoes that go well with it. Mom gets her dress while we are there. She has ideas on the wedding and I start getting nervous about her ideas.

I think Carla and my mom are both trying to get the wedding they want for us and taking over our wedding planning. Anastasia wants something like Tiger and Ruth had and I agree with her completely. We have to find a good photographer and that shouldn't be hard to do. A videographer as well will need hired. I have my PA start looking for one and it can't be Jose jr.

I am shocked that he got a paternity test so quickly and I wonder how he got two tests done and has the results for his and Jeremy's as well. I am told that after the contract is done for this commercial I am no longer eligible for future contracts with GEH and their subsidiaries. That can be limiting. It is a thirty day contract and I was paid very well. Jeremy has came over and he is very angry about me lying about Jose the third being his son. He has a copy of the report and he said he called them and they verified the information is accurate. They informed him that he wasn't the only one on the list of potential fathers. I then recalled that Henry Davidson had helped me home and I woke up in his bed and went home one morning. He said nothing had happened to me. So I decide I would get him swabbed somehow so I could get him to pay child support.

Three months later the wedding photos were shown in the newspapers regarding Anastasia and Christian's marriage. That should have been me. Jose jr just said all the right things to me. Plus I was pregnant and had no idea who the father really was. Christian would have known he wasn't because of the time frame.

Henry Davidson
I was called before family court and ordered to get my DNA sample and rule me out as the father of Jose Rodriquez the third. I saw his mother and knew that there was no doubt he was my child. The age and he looks like me at that age. I give them the swab and I tell my attorney to start child custody hearings because I don't want him to be raised by her or her parents if we can get him away from them. He is too thin for his age and height in my mind. Sarah Rose Ashford has been my attorney for some time. She knows how to navigate almost everything legally.

Sarah Ashford
I get the paternity results and we are headed to family court to sue for custody of Jose and Mrs Rodriquez is suing for back child support of the boy. She might get that, but she also might lose custody of Jose after we ordered him to undergo a complete physical examination by a court order and the court recommended pediatrician.

I was awarded custody of Jose and I gave Eileen the back child support and she gets to visit Jose. They are monitored at this point. The pediatrician wasn't happy at how thin he was and his development in his skills. He will need to be watched carefully and fed correctly then we need to get him up to speed on what children his age can do. He came into my arms and he wasn't afraid of me. His little tummy growled and we left and got him a good healthy meal. The pediatrician told us to be careful about feeding him too much. To slowly increase his food intake and we need to get him to a dentist soon. They want to run scans on him and see if there is anything wrong internally. He really hasn't had the best care. I got word from someone at GEH before I was served the paternity test request. They told me that Jose might be mine, how they knew that is anyone's guess. They told me they noted that Eileen and her mother controlled everything Jose ate along with his interactions with others.

Carla and I start helping with the wedding until mom gets involved and throws a wrench in the plans saying we aren't the ones getting married and we shouldn't be making all the decisions about someone else's wedding. Dad agreed with her on this. Ray jumped in as well as Carrick, we had dinner together and we finally just asked Christian and Anastasia what they wanted.

The wedding was simply elegant and I couldn't have planned it better. Ray walked Anastasia down the aisle and handed her to Christian. A lot  of tears were shed at the wedding and they are moving into a home on the sound after they get back from a honeymoon on a private island that Christian has an estate restored and created private beaches for each home on the estate. I saw photos and Ray said we could fly there in the GEH jet when it is available.

I finally married Anastasia and I am thrilled that I didn't marry Eileen. Jose the third is now with his father and his paternal grandparents. Apparently Eileen and her parents weren't very good at caring for him. So the courts gave him to his father. He looks a lot better than when I first met him. I saw photos and videos of him and he is thriving with his father. Eileen is paying child support now.

I filed a complaint against Eileen after seeing Jose and how thin he was and how behind he was in everything a child his age was doing. They investigated and found that it was true. They had a court recommended pediatrician look him over and test him. I was informed that they found my suspicions correct and they removed the boy from Eileen's care. I am smiling at my new husband and I notice a man looking at us from a window from the hotel. I can't see him well, but he is taking photos. It could be one if the many photographers hired for today.

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