A Cry Heard

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As I hold my dear wife's hand and help her bring our children into this world I hear a cry from outside the room. I don't want to know what was going on, because in a few moments my first son William Martin Miller has announced his dissatisfaction in being woman handled by Dr Greene. I then hear the cry outside again, but my daughter Amelia Madison Miller was giving it her all to cry. They immediately started doing emergency care for her and her blue color turned to normal. They cleaned her quickly and we got to look at her and touch her before they took her to NICU. William was checked over and then they decided to send him to NICU as well. Soon he was released to our room after being observed for 24 hours. Amelia was still there for another 24 hours. They think that she somehow couldn't breathe after being pulled out by her brother. He had her umbilical cord in his tiny hand. We didn't know until afterward. They didn't want to scare us.

The cry we kept hearing was a mother who was told her babies were stillborn. It was awful to hear her mournful cries. We were transferred to a suite so we could have our babies moved in with us. Security was tight around the babies and us. We are very vulnerable at this point. I already know to accept any extra security from Christian and just verify that he has sent them though. Fool me once I am aware that I can't let that happen again. Two guys showed up saying they were extra security and they were to replace the ones on duty. It just so happen to be the one time that I knew the security's schedules and decided to contact Jason and he told me to not say a word but to head to the safe room with Mia and stay there until they got there. I did as asked and luckily the other security team didn't leave and had hidden in another safe room that connected with the one we chose. They got us safely out of the house and to Christian's place by way of a secret passageway through the hidden gates that connected our places. His idea when they built their house beside ours. That was when Mia was six months along. The men were Duncans people. We don't know what happened with them. They were bailed out and disappeared off the face of the earth. Everyone thinks they were eliminated by the Duncans. Investigators are still digging.

Melissa James
I hear my first baby can't be revived and I cry out in pain as my second baby has been pronounced dead as well. I cry loudly for my lost babies. I lost my husband and my babies in less than 24 hours after a freak accident had us pinned in our car waiting for emergency teams to arrive. They couldn't even save my husband because he died trying to save us. But I was told at the scene they couldn't hear heartbeats if my twins and needed to get me out but it was going to take time. It took them an hour to pull my husband's body off me. When he tried to protect us he was pushed into us so hard it caused our twins to be crushed as well. My ribs were broken as well. They had to operate on me and to do it they had to deliver our twins. I wanted to die, but they put me under and saved me anyway. I couldn't name our babies, David isn't here to help me name them. I was moved from the floor where the mothers with living babies are to a general ward. I didn't get to touch my boy and girl. An attorney showed up and wanted me to settle out of court with them for what the guy Jack Hyde did to me and my husband and babies. I threw him out. Who does that? I have been in here 48 hours and I can't cry any longer.

I get a call about a car wreck that killed unborn twins a husband and the mother/ wife survived and needs legal representation. I hate cases like these. The guy who crashed into them didn't have a scratch on him. He tested above the legal limit for in taking alcohol. He apparently smelled of pot as well. He was unconscious when he was pulled from the vehicle. The police and EMTS both say that he looked like he was stuffed behind the wheel and no seatbelt on. If he had really been driving that car he would have been dead. I had to get someone to investigate this further because it was in an area that no cameras were and no other cars were involved. A woman called in the wreck. We got her name and number, but found it was an invalid who had her purse stolen and was left an invalid by the robber. Her phone was never recovered, but she couldn't turn it off. Her nurse said that they are still working through all the legal things to get power of attorney for her relatives.

Here I am in a pickle and I need help. Ray has offered to help me free on this case. Carrick thinks we should combine forces on the investigation of this matter. He thinks it was a setup.

We discover that David James had several death threats against him after releasing a book that exposed certain people in high places. All of it verified by facts.

I put extra security on Carla after hearing about this case and who the dead guy was. She thinks I am crazy because she didn't write the book. We have no idea why they put Jack in the car. They definitely knew no one could get footage of them in that area. Why would they kill the writer if everything is already out there about their illegal activities. There is more to this case.

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