A New Grey

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I spoke to Anastasia about adopting Sarah since I couldn't. She said she spoke to Christian and he wants to know that everything will be okay with Sarah in the future. She looks over the medical chart that I handed her and she says she will have Christian come to meet Sarah and they will talk about it. She tells me they haven't filled out the documents for adoption yet. Teddy is three years old now and she isn't sure he would share his family with another child or not.

I hold Sarah in my arms and read her a book. She looks up at me and calls me momma. A tear drops from my eyes as I recall when I first saw her so tiny and so sick and lost both her parents on the same day. She came close to dying with them.

I filled out the adoption papers to adopt Sarah. We brought her home a month later and Teddy was unhappy at first but we told him that he was her big brother and would need to protect her. She called him dada and he told her that he is her brudder and protector. He pointed at me and said dada and she smiled at me and said dada. At this point I am sure she would call people dada and mama no matter who it is. She brought sunshine into our lives. Teddy and grandpa were best buds and grandma had the bestest cookies he recalls. Teddy makes sure she is happy and healthy. The adoption was finalized on her birthday. Caseworker Leigh pushed the adoption through quickly. With everything that is going on with Covid they are very backlogged in placing foster children and getting adoptions done.

Sarah ended up being a Grey and a grandchild not a daughter of ours. We are just too old to raise a toddler. Even a smart one. I am happy now.

This baby is going to be different than Ava and I will be happy when he is born. I look like mother goose. Two more weeks to go and I am ready to go. I need to get with Melissa about her latest book. The illustrations are done and we need her help with them. Mom is really making strides in Kavanagh Media Group. She has gotten into the film industry. I am shocked that she offered Olivia a job, but they become close friends after dad got divorced from Olivia.

I am finally in labor and Elliott has decided to take the day off and take me to the hospital. We arrive in our face masks and gloves and are taken straight to the delivery room they have ready for us. Dr Greene is waiting and everything is sterile. We are given different face masks and I am given a special hospital gown and helped into the bed to give birth. I can barely move so Elliott lifts me on to the bed and they help position me.

I am just superfluous to this whole situation, but I hold Kate's hand as she pushes out our son, she is very uncomfortable and finally her water breaks and she is ready for the baby to arrive, he however is not ready to arrive. Thirty minutes of pushing and gripping my hand so hard that I think she could break my fingers. I wince and she lightens up on the hands. I hear the heads out and then a whimper. Then they have me cut the umbilical cord. I look at my son and he looks like Kate. Then they tell me to get ready for another baby. They couldn't get a good sonogram on Kate so we got a blurry picture each time. The really good people were off sick. Soon number two son makes his appearance. Then number three son appears. I need to call someone to get two more of everything and put it all in the bedrooms next to the original nursery and next to Ava's room.

Jacob Christian, Austin Carrick and Elliott jr are very healthy and very hungry. They get their circumcision and soon are back with us. My family get to see them through a window we get photos of the boys for everyone. Kate tells me that we have our four children so I need to get a vasectomy. She can't breast feed three babies so we go with the baby formula and baby bottles. We need more help at home as well.

I  am proud of my nephews and jealous and think I might want to have another baby now. Barney has been hinting at having one so I go see Dr Greene and see about having another baby. Our twins are in school now, William looks like Barney and Amelia looks like me. Both five years old. Thomas and Melissa's boys are going to be in the same school as William and Amelia but preschool that the school offered to build up their student numbers again.

Mom and dad have been wanting more grandchildren and they want them soon. Tia and Tara haven't found the men of their nightmares yet. I swear they pick the worst guys to date ever. I tried to set them up but they just don't have anything in common with anyone. I got them tickets to the Comic-Con and hope for the best. Mia has opened a dialogue about having another baby. I agree quickly to having another baby. We take a weekend away and practice getting pregnant. She said it might take a few months to get pregnant after she stops her shot. She isn't getting her shot this time.

Six months later everything has calmed down and Covid patients have slowed down as well. Mia got pregnant three months ago. We definitely put a lot of effort into it. Tia has found the one that she wants to marry. Now if Tara can do the same.

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