William And Amelia

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I am getting ready to go to William and Amelia's college graduation and Mia is coming down the stairs with Lisa and Timothy following her in their dressy clothes for the after party. Carrick and Grace along with my parents are attending the graduation. They were only allowed so many tickets. Theo and Madison would be so proud of them both. They tied for valedictorian and both are doing a speech together. They worked hard on it.

Our children have amazed us both with how smart they are. They are going to run the Miller Technology Institute an offshoot of the original Miller Technology Company. Barney has a lot of patents and he is very rich from them. I sold my restaurant to the employees and they have really did a great job of it and it has became international. They used the same name, Mia's and I am honored by that. Plus it saved them from changing all the signs and menus.

I helped my grandma and grandpa Steele to the table and we wait for everyone to arrive for the graduation parties to begin with. It seems that a lot of graduations take place on the same nights. Sarah and I graduated early and we both did it with honors. I am going to run GEH and Sarah is going to be a surgeon. She got interested in it after she saw a wreck and was able to help with the wounded until the EMTs arrived, because of her they all survived. We have four siblings who are now starting college and attending high school. Andrew Carrick is in his second year of college, he was born on my birthday. Six years after my birthday. Nina Rose is just starting college my parents adopted her, then they had Christian Elliott who is in his third year of college. He is considered a genius at 17 years old. Olivia Dawn was the miracle that was found in the GEH lobby with a note begging my father to adopt her. It took a miracle to save her life. Mom saved her life on the operating table not knowing her medical history or where she was found. Uncle Robert and Aunt Ruth helped with the surgery. It was touch and go for a long time. Three months later she was brought home and was spoiled and taken care of by all the rest of us along with mom, dad and nurses. She has never been sick again. The scar across her abdomen says it all. Dad got her to the hospital yesterday helicopter on top of GEH. He flew and his PA helped keep Nina breathing. They brought the medical equipment and staff with them to help. They landed on the hospital roof and mom was waiting with a full team including my aunt and uncle. Ten hours of surgery they had fixed what was wrong with Olivia and she started thriving from that point on. She was named after Kate's second wife who became like a second mother to aunt Kate. Mom was surprised at how nice she was and wondered how she fell for Eamon. It was Kate's lucky day when Olivia walked into their lives for good. Ethan finally settled down and has a beautiful smart wife who is a psychiatrist as well and they have their own office along with a small facility that treats poor patients who can't afford the nice hospitals. They had twin girls Ashley Enid and Aubrey Ann who are now fifteen and then they had twin boys Ethan Eamon and Edward Elliott Kavanagh. Cheryl attended the same school as he did and they met at a class reunion. It was love at first sight. Like it was for me, Linda Leigh Williams and I met at a business conference dad dragged me to. She came with her mother Leila Williams. She is a year younger than I am. They used to live in Seattle. We plan on getting married once we get enough money to buy a nice home in Seattle.

Jason was glad when we followed in his footsteps and even happier when we married ex black ops guys. Talk about proud. They never had children so our children were like theirs. Denny Farmer and I have two boys and a girl all driving at this point.

Denny introduced me to Gregg London and we married three weeks later. I still do investigations and I am proud of our adopted children all six of them. We adopted them after their parents both died in combat. They make us proud and all went into service after they graduated college. We get to see them often. Marcy, James, George, Lynn, Debra and Colin  are all a year apart in ages.

I love this very large family with all my heat. I am involved the Heart of a Child developments and Melissa and Thomas are great. Their story and their stories and hard work are what started this organization. It has spread across the world at this point.

We join the party and watch all our family members enjoying each others company. Grace is making the rounds with Carla, Enid and Olivia. We had no idea what a wonderful person was until we finally got to know her. Eamon was an idiot is all I can say he had two great women to love him and bear his children and he couldn't just do the right thing. He isn't the only person who has been like this I know because I help get divorces completed.

Jason and Carrick and I go find a nice place to sit where we can watch all the activities that our children and family members are participating in. All the ladies are making sure photos are being taken and gifts are being opened. We are so proud of all of them.

All of them are blessings and we love all of them some have been a bit mischievous but they never did anything too bad.

I am just so happy to be part of this huge family.

I am so glad I chose to move to Seattle because I found a family and friends and my children met their siblings and they all care and love each other. Being a grandma is great.

I love all of our grandchildren Robert and Ruth adopted children rather than having them. Tessa is now 16, Olive is 14 Daniel is 10 and Oliver is a newborn. They are both still hardworking surgeons like Anastasia.

Elliott and I stopped at four and I am glad for that because we now have two grandsons and they exhaust us. Ava decided to marry right after high school. Mom put her to work at Kavanagh Media Group and she has to get her degree. Mark Anderson her husband is four years older and she got pregnant right after the wedding. We help care for the twins along with brothers. She is doing well but tired. Vera Donald Anderson weren't thrilled about the marriage or the twins, but after they held Mark jr. and Marshal they couldn't let them go.

Jose Jr.
I moved to New York and stayed there running a small studio. Mom and dad died from Covid and I couldn't stay in Seattle any longer. I took care of their estate and left taking my sister Nina with me to get her away from an abusive boyfriend. She met someone who was kind and he showed her how a real man treats his wife. I met my wife through Joseph Martin, Tina Martin was my soulmate and we married in a quiet ceremony at her church.

I opened my own publishing and editing company after retiring from GEH. I married a wealthy woman who helped me start my company. Okay she is ten years older than me but hey she has skills and lots of money. I have built my company up very nicely. We are making a lot of money. Now I need to get talented people to do editing on and off line.

I sit with Anastasia and watch everyone enjoying everything. Our siblings and parents join us to reflect on everything we have gone through and we are lucky to be here today. We are blessed and grateful that we could do the things to make others lives easier.

Someone takes photos of all of us as we are relaxed and happy.

The end hope you enjoyed the story.

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