Missing Persons Reports

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I can't look at the missing persons reports anymore. I don't want my face to show my guilt. At this point with the Botox and facelifts my plastic surgeon has told me that he can't do much more. So I found a new one. I have posted for teens who need to earn money doing odd jobs around my home at places they hang out. I have paid teens to put them up for me. I pay well, plus I had my surgeon do work on my body as well and I show it off. Teens are very hormonal so they fall prey easily to an older woman seducing them. I can train them to do what I want and then do to them what I want to if they want me to pleasure them as well. I have learned to take my time and get them to sign an NDA along with video taping everything and having them pose for naked photographs. I use those to keep them in line, especially the girls.

We have been getting teens coming in with injuries that look like someone has tortured them. They won't answer our questions or the police's questions regarding who is behind the injuries. We know they are lying when they say they can't identify the assailant or assailants. Carrick says that he has heard rumblings about human trafficking in the area recently. Plus there are people who suspect that some people are or acting BDSM to the extreme. Rumors of clubs open for practicing BDSM in Seattle and they have no idea who owns them or where they are. He says the owners of these places don't advertise in the normal way.

We have a family meeting about the situation regarding missing persons and that our children should not go to strangers homes or get in strangers cars. They have heard all this before but I show them where teens are missing and they recognize a few of the photos. They just know them from parties they attended before school started. Elliott is 14 and Christian is 12, Mia is 6 years old at this point. The ages of the missing persons are all over the place.

I have tried to become friends with Grace Trevelyn Grey but she doesn't really like talking during her time here. She tips very well but has been very quiet about her family and her work. She talks to friends that arrive with her and is courteous to the employees that serve her needs. She brushed me off after I tried to become friendly and invited her to lunch or dinner at one point. I also tried to get on the board if the charities she works with, she told me all the spots fill up immediately. I ask how to get in a list and she told me that the list is long and the people on it are from long standing families who gave a history here in Seattle. No newcomers are able to get on the lists.

I feel very good about working for the Millers and I am learning a lot about the information superhighway. The amount of technology is incredible and I am being taught about security software and how to use it and create it at this point. These people don't care about the age of their employees are because if they can provide a work permit and parents permission to work they hire them and follow the hour guidelines the state requires them to follow. I have the job of assuring these youngsters safety. A few have been targeted and I have had to move them and their families into safe houses. Security is extremely tight around the Millers. When they found out that I decided that working for the Lincoln company wasn't a good idea, even before I filled out all the documents, they had no qualms in hiring me and putting me straight to work. They told me that they had a lot of people choose to leave without working one minute for the Lincoln company.

We were invited to an event that the Grey family held yearly to give gifts out to families in need. It pretty much was for the families in need and all of the firms employees and family were expected to attend and help with it all. They threw a party for the people who attended and helped with it later in the week. I have to say it worked out nicely for all of us. Well except for one employee who brought a date. A date that could be his grandmother. She was horrible and I think she had a plastic surgeon on speed dial. She should have dressed appropriately for her age. We noticed something strange about her behavior. Her date was barely 18 years old and just started in the mail room. She tried her best to get close to all the Grey family, but couldn't so she came and sat by us and Ray said don't tell her anything about us. He told me that Elena Lincoln was the owner of some very shady companies, well from his sources and his instincts she is not to be trusted period. Ray is never wrong on this matter. Before I could stop the children they had introduced themselves to her. At 5 and 6 years old they have no idea how to tell the difference between good people and bad.

I keep my eyes open around Elena because she has been too friendly with the families with children and she was brought by an 18 year old mail clerk. Carrick has sent someone to get information on Elena Lincoln and is going to find out their relationship. When no one was looking Carrick had security go and get the hotel to get him copies of everything they had from that night. We introduce our children to the new children of the new employees children finally. Mia and Anastasia got along very well and Christian, Elliott and Robert were having fun and they all enjoyed the play areas we set up for the different ages and the gifts we gave out to them. A very nice day was had by all.

I watched the footage after the hotel told me they had major concerns about Elena and my mail persons relationship. They thought the two of them were regulars at the hotel. They were going to check into it and get back to me on it. They might need to involve police in it. I am waiting for them to get back to me on this matter. I didn't hear from them, but found out there was a missing persons case that had new leads. I can't question my employee about his choice of a date. I decided to have Elena Lincoln checked out further.

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