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Strawberries roughly chopped - 250g.

Sugar - 2 tbs.

Water - 2-3 tbs.

Full cream milk - 1 & 1/2 litre.

Sugar - 3/4 cup or to taste.

Bread slices - 3-4 (trim sides).

Red food colour - 2-3 drops.


In a saucepan, add strawberries, sugar, water & mix well.....

Turn on the flame & cook on low flame, for 4-5 minutes then strain well with the help of strainer & set aside.....

In a wok, add milk & bring it to boil....

Add sugar, mix well & cook until sugar is dissolved....

Add bread slices, mix well & cook on low flame for 10 - 12 minutes or until it thickens, & mix continuously......

Remove from heat, Add pureed strawberries, & whisk well....

Add strawberry essence, red food colour, & whisk well....

Let it cool completely.....

Pour kulfi mixture in kulfi molds, cover with aluminium foil, insert kulfi sticks, & freeze for 8 hours overnight in freezer....

( Makes 11-12)....

( Makes 11-12)

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