3 Months Later

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The Three Sisters had United with their brother who coincidentally like their eldest brother had passed away in an accident when he was only 16 years old, he was the eldest of them. He died in the same accident their parents had died in.
This is why the union was very easy but painful because for them it seemed like their dead elder cousin had come back to life, the three of them hugged him tightly and spent at least a couple of hours crying.

After the emotional reunion was over,
It was now time for them to get acquainted with their surroundings,
Like their rooms, their personal Gardens, the local area, the temple,
and the palace. It took them three months to complete all the exploring yet still some places were remaining.

Sitara had also started helping her brother with the court, especially dealing with criminals because she was knowledgeable in the art of psychology she was always able to get to the bottom of why they had done this and many times the crime committed by the person was pretty smaller to what they had been the victim of, which help them find the people who forced innocent people into doing things like this.
An entire racket of such slave trade was found, these slaves were forcibly brought from Yunan(Greece), these people were treated inhumanely and were forced to do criminal activities for some nobles. These nobles were found and immediately punished with life sentences in prison and a few of them were extremely cruel to their slaves by sentence to death.

Sitara also started something similar to that of a newspaper, she planted her own Spy network and found out all things that were going on in the kingdom, this also helped in crime control and awareness about social evils and messages from the Vedas translated into easy language for the people to understand was spread using these newspapers.
She also opened schools for young girls, in which they were taught various topics like history, political science, Geography, economics, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, physics, and physical training with swords, Spears and archery.
She also managed to convince the entire Council to write up a new law which stated daughters were allowed to inherit their parents' wealth and the wealth would be directly in the control of the daughter and would not be in the control of the daughter's husband.
Due to all the hard work that she put in just three months and made many changes, these things would hear the country in the long run as more educated people will be there,
this will greatly help the economy,
She also started promoting small business owners using her own money.

Meera on the other hand, spent the majority of her time researching and found out that the lifestyle and climate of these people were the best for humans, She has been a doctor herself,
Started learning about this ancient method of treating illness, she started reading all the medical documents which were available and was stunned to find so much valuable information which was not available to her back in Kalyug.

She started studying under the doctors of the kingdom and researching the different kinds of viruses and bacteria that were available during this time luckily none of the majority of the viruses which had survived in Kalyug was here, she soon joined the medical staff and started conducting Healthcare workshops Around The Kingdom,
From personal hygiene to mental health, she dragged her elder sister with her who was a certified psychologist.

Priya who was a history fanatic spent the majority of their time exploring the different temples understanding their architecture and making records of the different things that she found out including rituals and the reason behind the rituals, She noticed her interest in such things her brother gave her the job of travelling through the entire Kingdom and finding out about such places and the rituals done there and the reasons behind them and record such things so, that they can preserve all the knowledge that they had.

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