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Meera sits in front of a grand mirror,
The soft glow from the lamps casting
a warm embrace around her.
The air is filled with the delicate scent
Of jasmine, mingling with the anticipation that hangs heavy in the room. Her heart flutters like a captive Bird, caught between the excitement of new beginnings and the weight of what the future has in store.

Besides her stands Sitara, her elder sister and confidant, A pillar of strength and support in Mira's life.
Sitara's hands move with Grace and tenderness as she dresses Meera in intricate layers of silk and gold.
Their eyes meet in the reflection of the mirror, silent understanding is exchanged between them in the form of a small smile and a nod.

As Meera gazes into her own eyes,
A storm of emotions swirls within her.
Tears well up, threatening to spill over,
As the reality of leaving her childhood home and wandering into the unknown engulfs her, despite Vijayanagar not being the place she grew up in, it is still home. And the thought of leaving that home and comfort scared her,
even if it was just for one moment.
The future stretches out like an uncharted path, and fear of the future grasps her heart like a vice.
It wasn't the fear of not knowing the future but one of rather knowing too much.

But amidst the fear, Mira finds solace in her memories. She closes her eyes, allowing the images of her mother to flood her mind. The sound of her mother's laughter, the warmth of her embrace, and the unconditional love that radiated from her soul.
Despite being a cunning and ruthless woman to her enemies, her mother had a most beautiful heart with love for everyone except those who crossed her family. She left the world far too soon,
Her presence lingers in Mira's heart,
A guiding light in the darkness.

Opening her eyes, Mira's gaze shifts to Sitara. The one who had filled the void left by their mother's absence,
Sitara's ocean-green eyes mirrored the emotions carried by the chocolate-brown ones of Meera.
Looking at those concerned Eyes,
Mira remembered an instance from her childhood when she had become extremely jealous of Sitara for being the only one of the siblings who had inherited the beautiful ocean-green eyes of their mother. Meera scoffed in a good-natured manner, as she remembered this.
Sitara giggled at her behaviour and gently caressed her head, a shared understanding of the bitter-sweet nature of the moment.
Through countless late-night conversations, planned mock murders, and shared secrets. Sitara had been not just a sister, but a guardian, a confidant and a protector.

" I was such an idiot, di!" Mira exclaimed suddenly. Sitara raised an eyebrow as Mira continued," I thought after coming to Dwapar Yug and meeting Draupadi,
You had replaced me with her!
And with everything going on with Arjun, I didn't realise that I was making a horrible mistake, by mistreating the one person who had stuck by my side and truly fulfilled the promise of always and forever!"

" I AM SO SORRY, I AM SUCH A BLOODY IDIOT! I EVEN RAISED MY HAND ON YOU!" Meera threw herself in the arms of Sitara as she cried like a child.

" Meera I get where you are coming from my child! And you don't have to apologize, sweetheart, I have long forgiven you!" Sitara said lovingly as she kissed her forehead.

" Why do you have to be so sweet didi,
You should punish me! I behaved like an absolute Brat, I was such a fuc---"
Before she could get the chance to complete her statement a hand came from behind and shut her mouth.

" I know you are feeling sorry, young lady. But that does not give you a free pass to curse!" Admonished Krishna.

Mira held her ears in apology and said,
"Forgive me, Jiju! This stupid Kalyugi will never learn the way of the Dwapar!"

Krishna gently patted her head and said," You will learn it, lekin sirf tab Jab Tum Satya mein Swayam ko Yahan ki Manne Lago! Tumne Apne mastishk Mein Bitha Liya Hai Ki Tum Ek Kalyugi Ho, lekin Shayad ab Tumhara yah Bhram tabhi tutega Jab Tumhara Vivah Ek dwapar Yug ke Narottam Ke Sath Ho Jaega!" Krishna Teased and she hit his shoulder playfully.

" Achcha ab yah Rona-dhona band,
Mira jiji abhi jaldi Chalo, sirf Sadi hi pahan ke Hui Hai, Kesh banana aur Abhushan dharan Abhi Baki Hai!"
Exclaimed Priya As she stormed the Chambers, dragging Draupadi along with her. Priya quickly chased Krishna out of the room and both Priya and Sitara got to work.

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