The Wedding-1

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2 days later,
Today the confirmation letter from Divyansh came in which he stated that he would not be able to make it because he was stuck in a pincers grip, if he left now it would mean bad trade for Vijayanagar which would affect it greatly in the future and he cannot sacrifice the future of many people but then again he could not sacrifice the future of a young lady who had been engaged to him.

So, they came up with a simple solution
While he was away they could get started with rituals that particularly did not need his involvement like the Kundali Milan, vagdhan, exchange of gifts, Mehndi, sangeet and Gauri-Ganesh puja. Everybody agreed to this, and the ceremonies and rituals started in which
The matching was done for Divyansh who was born in purvabhadra Nakshatra and Dushala who was born in ashlesha Nakshatra, it was a pretty good match and it was stated that love between them would be tender and the strongest aspect of this marriage would be their friendship. Also the strong Surya in the chart of Divyansh destroyed the nasty effect of Ketu in the chart of dushala, generally displacement of Ketu singles the person out and dislocates them from their family. Other aspects of Kundali are very well-matched, 35 out of the 36 guns of the Kundali had been matched perfectly.


That very same evening they completed the vaghdaan ritual, which was generally conducted by the elders of the family but in this case, this ritual was conducted by Sitara and Pitamah bhishm. In this ritual Sitara would approach mahamahim bhishm and request the hand of his daughter, the reason why Dhritrashtra was not present here was that he believed that Dussehra had caused stress between the good relations between Kaling and Hastinapur and the provocation of Shakuni nearly disowned her before mahamahim stepped in and took her under his wing.

Despite her rushed wedding dushala was very happy, she was tired of her brothers undermining her and treating her as if she was nothing but a way to get a powerful alliance, even if she was happy, she was still sad because she was getting married and her parents weren't there with her. But her pain was quickly taken away by Sitara when she was taken under her wing, despite being older than Sitara she became like a baby to her just like Draupadi, Priya and her became really good friends and shared everything, Meera was protective big sister, and with Draupadi she became like a sibling, they were like twins.


3 days later,

The tilak ceremony was held today,
In this ritual the bride's family brings the groom's family gifts and applies Tilak on the groom, the gift is the symbol of the fact that the groom has been happily accepted by the family of the bride. And the bride's family would pose no objection to the wedding,

Things such as fruits, flowers, grain animals, clothes, gold, jewellery, coconut and Pooja material are gifted to the groom by the family of the bride also in Kshatriya families gifting the weapon of choice of the warrior is considered mandatory, thus, bhishm Pitamah gifted Divyansh with a Majestic bow.

In this case because the bridegroom
wasn't present, the ritual had been conducted through the hands of the eldest sibling of the bridegroom which was Sitara.

The day was completed with fireworks,
Dancing and music.


5 days later,

The few guests who were invited had arrived, such as Manipur, the Naga Kingdom, Dwarka, Mithila, kekeya, vidarbh, Madra, Kashi, Panchal, Kosala and Sivi.


2 days later,

The bridegroom had finally arrived after his travels, the work he had gone for had been completed and now he was full of energy and excited because he was soon getting married to his lovely fiance with all his family and friends present there.

Also, he was very angry with Dushasana and his brothers, he was also shocked to find out that Duryodhana was completely in favour of this marriage and had arrived to do the Kanyadan of his sister. He should have known that no matter what happens to dushala Will Forever remain the Apple of Duryodhan's Eyes.

Duryodhan had immense respect for Sitara in his heart for supporting his sister when he was unable to and giving the future a life of freedom and happiness. Karna who had tagged Along with Duryodhan as always, was entranced by the princesses of Vijayanagar who did not care for the fact that he was a sut and immediately accepted him as their brother.
There was something special about the eldest Karn could feel it, whenever they talked it felt like he was talking to Vasudev Krishna it gave him the same amount of relief in his heart.


  Hey guys!
I am so sorry to mention that
I won't be writing the entire wedding because I have a very interesting plot planned,
which I want to focus more on and continue the story.


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