2 Months Later

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2 months had flown away since Panchali arrived, and the lives of the 4 siblings started revolving around her.
Panchali desperately clung to Sitara,
For the first two weeks of her stay in Vijayanagar, she rejected the touch of anyone else except for bhrata Divyansh who she started looking up to as a father figure. He also started treating her like his daughter, he started teaching her things like horse riding, and how to handle weapons, despite continuous protest from Sitara who always said that Panchali was a little child,
she should not be handling weapons at such a young age but Divyansh always encouraged Panchali to continue learning the art of warfare, after a while Sitara gave up trying to stop them.

Slowly Panchali warmed up to Priya and Mira as well, she always wanted to sleep after hearing one of the stories from The Puranas from Priya and you always followed Meera to the medical camps that she held in different villages, Panchali started learning how to heal small wounds, how to make medicines for small diseases like cold or cough.
She slowly became a nurse for Meera and helped Meera regularly in her medical camps. This helped Panchali build her knowledge about the medical field.

She started going to different temples and monuments with Priya acting as her assistant, this helped her gain knowledge about the geography and history of certain places. She also had long-held debates about different things that had occurred in history, she was very interested in learning about different civilizations. She was very good at writing and had a flare for dramatic written work.

She spent the majority of her time with Sitara, who spent most of her days tending to the kingdom work,
Draupadi started spending a lot of time with Sitara in court, and became the CO- editor for her newspaper, after spending a lot of time with Draupadi
Sitara realised that Draupadi was naturally talented when it came to finances, so she started training Draupadi to handle the treasury of a Kingdom, Expand trade, maintain trade relations with kingdoms, and overall how to deal with finances.

Apart from having the mind of a computer which could save anything as soon as she learned it, she was still a child who enjoyed doing small things like going on picnics and dancing with her sisters. She always threw tantrums when it came to food, she made Sitara run behind her with a plate in her hand.
Sitara always indulged Panchali in her mischief, because she knew that these movements of fun and happiness would become rare in the life of Panchali.

After Draupadi was finally comfortable with them, Sitara enrolled her in a Gurukul which taught children all day and sent them back by evening,
Sitara put in her 100% to make sure Panchali at least had a childhood for a small amount of time.

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