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"Hey you," Link said, hugging me from behind, "Wanna go eat in the car?"


"See you in maths?" Clara asked.


I took Link's hand and he swung our arms back and forth, leading us to the car; we got in the backseat and I rested on his side, picking at my lunch.

"How are you feeling?"


"Can I help in any way?"

"Not really. Sucks, gotta live with it I guess,"

"When you can see him again we are gonna make sure it is so special," he said quietly, "And I will take care of you in the mean time,"

"It was so fun living with dad,"

"It sounds it,"

"It's all bullshit,"

"It is. I am really sorry that happened to you,"

"Thank you for letting me live with you,"

"It is our pleasure to have you at home, we adore you. It is much better for you anyway,"



"I'm not religious, I suppose it is kind of spiritual because I ask the universe, but I have been praying every night for the last year that I could go back to my dad,"

"Then I am gonna start doing that too,"

"He wasn't perfect but he loves me, or loved. No, loves,"

"I can't wait to meet him,"

"He always said I couldn't have a boyfriend," I giggled, "But he would love you,"

"Does he look like you?"

"Yeah, a lot,"

I didn't have a phone, mum took it off me, so I didn't have any photos to show Link. Dad had all social medias private, and so did his friends.

"What time is it?"

"Eleven minutes past one,"

"111? Maybe it's a sign," I said, smiling a little, "Shall we go back in?"

"We have time to cuddle for a few more minutes,"

Happily, I relaxed into his hug and shut my eyes, trying to clear this morning from my head. It had happened and I had to move on, because the best thing I could do was follow the rules set by court. Technically they were live with mum and don't contact dad, but at least I was doing the don't contact part.

When we went back inside, he walked me to my psychology class, then told me to meet him at the car after theatre; they always stayed and went to the library. Class was okay, I had it with some cheer friends, then Clara and I had maths together. It wasn't my strong suit, I got Ds and Cs a lot which was weird considering my dad was a doctor, but I did my best. Jay was amazing at maths so he always helped Clara and I in the library.

She walked me to theatre, then we did rehearsals; I was the lead so I was on the go non-stop, but it was fun. My dad taught me to love singing, so I wanted to do it- it made me feel closer to him. Maybe he would be proud.

It was fun, but I was hungry by the end, so was happy to meet Link by the car.



"How was rehearsal?"

"Good, thank you. I am exhausted,"

"You do so much, I am not surprised. One black coffee a day isn't enough,"


It put music on, then we drove towards the diner, Jay and Clara already there to get us a table. Not that we had to reserve it or anything, but we had our favourite one, and then our second favourite just in case. Both had all our initials drawn on.

When we got there, they had already ordered our milkshakes and food, so we sat opposite them.

"You look so tired,"

"I am," I said.

"Straight to bed at home I reckon," Jay said.

"Definitely. Have you two got any weekend plans?"

"I think we are gonna go to see Jay's nan,"

"Yeah. She loves Clara more than me,"

"Most people do. What about you guys?" she said

"Chilling, I think my mum wants to bake so Ez will probably do that. My dad needs help with his bikes,"

"Don't do too much work Ez,"

"I won't,"

She gave me a look.


"Don't believe it for a second,"

"I will make sure," Link said, "We have our never ending movie list to get through,"

Our food arrived and I tucked in, Link and I having the same thing. I could actually eat like the 6"2 football player he was, which always amused him, but it was plenty of fun for us.

Whenever we came here, they always put on the most recent music, and gave us some extra fries. We were probably their most loyal customers, and we literally stayed until they closed just chatting. We were a pretty busy group, so having dedicated time with my friends was precious to me. They were pretty much all I had right now.

When we finally left, Link took us straight back home and I got ready for bed, picking up my book. Link was catching up with his family downstairs, so I had a bit of quiet.

I fell asleep while reading, but woke up again when Link got into bed. He moved the book off my face, then I curled into his side, feeling him kiss my forehead a couple of times. After a kinda of shitty day, it was nice to remember than in some ways, I was the luckiest girl in the world.

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