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One thing I had learnt to be very good at was switching emotions off at work. Despite this morning, I had gotten through the day fine enough.

Still, I was much happier to be leaving than I was walking in.

When I got in my car, I put my phone on charge, noticing a couple of missed calls from Esme. They were a couple of hours ago, so I hoped she was okay now, and drove home. The traffic was awful, but I managed to get there in about 25 minutes.

Inside, it was quiet. Not silent, it was obvious someone was in the house, but still very quiet. I slipped my shoes off and immediately put food in the oven for us.

"I'm home!" I called, "I'll come up!"

I went upstairs and knocked on her door, letting myself in; to my surprise, Link was sat on the bed with her asleep in his side.

"Hiya mate... is she okay?"

"Bad day at school," he said quietly, "I dunno, I think this morning shook her up,"

"She doesn't normally get scared,"

"Scared? She isn't scared... you being freaked out has freaked her out,"

"Oh. Right,"

"I'll er, head off,"

"Yeah," I said, "Thanks for keeping her company,"

He climbed off the bed and grabbed his bag, then left, quietly shutting her door. It still woke Esme up, and she jumped when she saw me, so I tucked her under her blanket and rubbed her cheek.

"How are you feeling?"

"My tooth really hurts after Michael poked it,"

"Awh sweetheart,"

"I had a bad day,"

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Everything has changed. Even my teachers treated me differently," she said, her voice wobbling, "School was meant to be okay, it was meant to be the same,"

"I am sorry, that sounds really frustrating. How were your friends?"

"Fine. Where is Link?"

"I sent him home,"

"Do you hate him?"



"I promise," I said, still stroking her cheek, "It sounds like it has been a long day. Food is cooking, reckon we light some candles and have a cosy night?"


"And tomorrow I will wait on you hand and foot,"

"Thank you,"

"Sorry you had a tough day,"

"Is what it is,"

"I suppose. I am gonna jump on the shower then the food should be ready,"

"Can I have some medicine?"


I went and got it for her, then grabbed my towel and hopped in the shower, changing into my pyjamas after. Downstairs, I got the food out the oven, then called her down to eat as I plated it up.

She had this one plate she claimed as her own, so I used that one, and hoped she would notice. All I wanted to do was make sure she still felt loved, because I knew her mum wouldn't have. Clearly her friends showed her it, but she needed a parent to show it too.

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