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"Dad? Why are you home? I thought you had to work,"

"I did have work, then I thought I should probably stay home,"

"I thought you couldn't,"

"I am sick," I said, putting down my mug of coffee, "You head looks way better!"

"You think?"

"Yeah. Are you going out later?"

"I think they wanna bring the diner to me,"

"Sounds fun,"

"Can we start over? Pretend I just got back,"

"Yeah," I said, cuddling her as she sat next to me, "I would really like that,"

"Thank you,"

She helped herself to breakfast and ate it beside me, leaning on my shoulder to read the newspaper I had. I wasn't sure what switched, but I was relieved about it. Truthfully, I could not afford today off work, but it meant we were starting fresh and that was priceless.

Link had been right last night. I wondered if they had spoken too, or if spending time here with him had helped. Whatever it was, I was grateful, as she really was the greatest gift I ever got and I couldn't bare feeling like I had lost her any longer.

It wasn't like we never argued before she left. She was a teenager, of course we didn't agree, but she was never so outgoing and popular. Selfishly it had taken me some time to come to terms with that but I think I had now. I was happy her friends were coming later, and looking out for her. Plus, she definitely needed some positivity right now.

After breakfast, we freshened up, then cuddled on the sofa and watched a movie. She kept refreshing her phone for a text from Link, but it was nice regardless. I guessed I needed to cut some slack to the pair of them because they were hardly harming anyone. Link seemed like a really good guy.


"Yes lovebug,"

"Can I go to school again next week?"

"As long as you feel okay,"

"Thank you,"

"You really enjoy school, then?"

"This school is way better. The teachers are so nice, and I have way more friends. I can't wait for you to see my show, Link said everyone was desperate for me to go back,"

"That's really nice of them all,"

"I have a lot of friends now, I told you,"

"I am not surprised,"

"Sucks I can't finish the cheer season. Link hurt his knee, he can't finish football either. That has him really upset," she mumbled

"Awh man, that is a big shame. What happened?"

"He just, hurt his knee,"

"Oh bless him. Maybe we can go to the shop and get him some things to feel better?"



"I thought you wouldn't like him after yesterday,"

"He was looking out for you, I'll allow it,"

Smiling, she hugged me tightly, then let go and shuffled away a bit, looking at me.

"Maybe tomorrow, I could see my uncles again?


"Okay. Thank you. I am excited to see my friends later. I might lay down for a bit,"

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