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"Do you think he heard us?"

"Don't put that thought into my head," I hissed, "Give me your tshirt,"

"I am gonna put it on,"

"Give it to me. I am cold,"

"Put your own on,"

"You're just arguing with me so my I am shirtless for longer,"

"Am not," he scoffed, passing me his top off the floor, "I am gonna get water,"

"No! You can't!"


"I will go. Uncle Ash is in the living room,"


I shoved on his boxers as well and went downstairs, grabbing two glasses of water. I could hear Ash still watching tv, but he didn't disturb me, so I took them back upstairs and passed a glass to Link, curling into his body. His skin was warm, and soft. Human equivalent of a teddy bear, I stood by it.

"You should sleep. Big day tomorrow,"

"Bigger day for you,"

"If it was me, I would only be showing up for my cheerleader,"

"You are so gross. Everyone is there to watch you sweat and run around,"

"You are gross!"

"No one watches sports games for the cheerleaders,"

"People watch the superbowl for the half time show,"

"Well we are hardly Beyoncé, are we,"

He choked on his water and I giggled, tucking myself into bed.


"Goodnight gorgeous,"

"Fuck off,"


"I know you're smirking right now,"

"Am not,"

"I can hear it in your voice. You know I hate when you speak like a 30 year old married man,"

"Get lost," he said, laughing into shoulder as he wrapped his arms round me, "Goodnight,"


"I don't wanna talk about it,"

"Oh girl... oh girl,"

"The fuck have you done to her,"

"Oh girl," Clara said, "Where is your concealer?"

"Here," Link said, sitting down with his lunch.

"You need some too," Jay grimaced, "I thought you two knew better than this,"

"It is not that bad!"

Clara tutted, and put concealer on my neck as I ate my food, letting her be dramatic.

"How was last night anyway?"

"That is not dinner conversation,"

"I meant with your dad and Link,"

"Oh, it was fine. He was watching a movie with Uncle Ash and we went upstairs,"

"I can't believe you had uncles this whole time and didn't tell us," Jay said.

"They're not real uncles,"

"I think it is cool they're coming tonight. I am so happy you are back home,"

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