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"Link you need to turn that down,"

"I won't wake up if it's any quieter,"

"It's driving me insane,"

He tried to kiss my cheek and I turned away, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Turn it down and I will wake you up,"

"What if neither of us wake up?"

"I am a very light sleeper,"

"Fine. I will turn it down for next week,"

"Thank you,"

I kissed his cheek and sat up, tucking my knees to my chest. Friday was game day, so I had a long day ahead and I was already shattered

As usual, Link got us breakfast and I did my makeup, packing it in my bag. I always went to Clara's, then we got ready together and went back to school for the game. I got dressed, then waited for Link to get ready.
As usual, we got our coffees, then made it to school just before class.

Maths was fine. Nothing special, mostly Clara and I being confused. I had psychology after, then we all had history before lunch. I enjoyed history, a lot more than my friends, so they chatted and I mostly did the work.

At lunch, we all sat in Jay's car to eat, and blasted music out. It was fun to simply exist with my friends. There never had been any pressure.

We finished the day with double English, then parted ways and Clara's mum picked us up, taking us to for food. We ate it in the car, then went back home to get ready.

Clara's bedroom was my favourite thing in the world. It was pink, it smelt of roses, it had flowers and fairy lights and blankets. Her room was always warm, and tidy. A huge tv was mounted on her wall, and we put a get ready with me on as we got ready. I tied my hair into a high ponytail and did my makeup, putting red lipstick on. We added bows to each other's hair, and got into our uniforms, then took photos together. Cheer with Clara were some of my most precious memories.

I had never had a friend like Clara. I didn't used to have many friends, and they were okay, but not relationship I had missed too much when I had to move. Clara always had my back, and I had hers. I liked to think we were platonic soulmates. She got me.

Her mum dropped us back off at school and we did a couple of last minute run throughs. I didn't get dropped, so that was good. Our performance went smoothly too, but my favourite part was Clara and I getting to sit with popcorn and watch our boyfriends run around the pitch for an hour and a half. I was pretty sure that was everyone else's favourite activity too, so we also liked to bask in the glory that they were our boyfriends.

Also they won- they always won.

"You played so well,"

"I am so sweaty,"

"I don't care," I said, pecking his lips, "Well done,"

"Your ass looked good,"

"Stop it!"

"It did,"

I giggled and he grabbed my waist, spinning me round. We had lost Clara and Jay, but we knew they would go home so we did too. His mum had come to watch, so we found her in the parking lot on the phone, climbing in the back of the car.

Shortly after, she got in the car too, turning round.

"You played well as usual! And Esme, your performance was amazing,"

"Thank you,"

She smiled, then twisted her lip and sighed.

"That was Link's dad on the phone. He called to let me know some police have come round for you, Esme,"

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