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2 months later

"Link, you didn't have to,"

"Oh this is not about therapy, this is about opening night," he said, handing me a bouquet of flowers, "The chocolate? Therapy?"

"Thank you,"

"Was it okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks for picking me up again,"

"Always. I am proud of you,"

I smiled, and climbed into the car, kissing him a couple of times.

"Tight schedule, gotta get you back to school. Here is food,"

"You are the best,"

"Anything for you. Eat up,"

Putting the flowers on the backseat, I pulled the food out the bag, quickly eating it. I had done my makeup during the dress run, but I needed to touch it up and was running out of time since therapy was slot between dress run and show time.

Link had been the best, carting me around, and no one else knew about it. I wondered if dad had caught on, because I was definitely a lot happier, and I was never home between 5 and 6 on a Wednesday, but I didn't mind if he figured it out, I just wasn't gonna tell him right out.

Everyone was coming to see me tonight. Link, Jay and Clara were front row, centre. Dad and everyone were somewhere in the crowd, but I think seeing them would throw me off anyway. I was honoured to have so many people coming to see me.

Once I had finished eating, I touched my makeup up and made sure no food was in my teeth, shutting the mirror.

"Looking hot,"

"Shut up,"

"You do,"

"Thank you. See you after the show?"

"I have something before you go," he said, "Well, two things. I got into med school, Ez,"

"Holy shit. That is amazing, which one?"

"The one an hour away, but we will make it work, I promise,"

"Yeah. Of course,"

"I found out yesterday, so I got chance to get you this,"

He gave me a small box and I opened it, seeing the most gorgeous ring I had ever seen. It was silver, and dainty, with a small jewel on the top.

"Fake diamond. I am saving the real one for when we get engaged but, this is my promise, to always love you, and always be here for you, no matter what distance is between us,"

"Oh Link, this is beautiful,"

"I am glad you think so," he said, putting it on my ring finger, "I would engage but your dad would kill me,"

"He would. I love you so much,"

"I love you more. Go and smash your show, I am so excited to watch you,"

"If I don't see you after, please call?"

"Of course,"

He kissed me, letting me wipe the red lipstick off his face after, then I got out the car with the flowers and headed backstage. I got into costume and warmed up my voice again, then waited for showtime. All of this had been such hard work, especially with my head, but it was better now and I was so excited.

It turned out Link really was front row centre. I didn't spot dad or anyone, but I could definitely hear him cheering louder than anyone else. Given it was opening night, the show actually went really well, and I felt such a high as we bowed. Clara and Jay had brought flowers to throw on stage too, so I took them with me to the dressing room, all of us in high spirits.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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