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When I woke up, I just knew my head was normal. I touched it, for the first time, and it wasn't too sore, so I got up and looked snd my face was normal. I took my medicine, then sent a photo to Clara, who was just as excited as me. We hated being apart like this- she was like my sister.

At least it wasn't long now. Contently, I went downstairs and made myself some cereal, eating it while I scrolled on my phone. Being home alone was a little weird, but kind of nice. It reminded me of old times.

Even though we hadn't always lived here, I had some fond memories. With dad in general, I had fond memories. He was far from perfect, but so was I, and he was trying a lot. I appreciated him, and it was starting to become exciting that I lived here, rather than feel confusing and overwhelming.

Feeling quite positive, I decided to go and chill outside for a bit in the shade with my audio book, enjoying the warmth. It got warmer as the morning went on, which was nice.

Eventually, I went back inside and had a quick shower, then went to see what dad had packed me for lunch. I decided to eat it infront of the tv, and it was actually decent. That was until I heard, and felt, a huge crack in my mouth.

"What the fuck,"

I spat my food out and immediately pain shot through my mouth, so I panicked, and tried to call Michael like 10 times before realising he was at work. So, naturally, I rang his work.

"Hello? Reception speaking,"

"Hi, is Dr Michael- I mean, Dr Clifford there?"

"Who is this,"

"His niece. Please,"

My voice cracked and I felt my cheeks getting warm, from both anxiety and pain. The awful hold music didn't help.

"Hello? Esme?"


"What's wrong?"

"I just felt a huge crack, and now my mouth hurts so bad. I was just eating,"

"Okay. Has your tooth broken?"

"I don't know,"

"Take some deep breaths. It will be okay. Go and check in the mirror for me,"

"Okay. Wait. I am looking but I don't know,"

"Okay, well, I am booked up for an hour, but if you call a taxi and get here then I will see you,"

"I will call a taxi now,"

"Take some time to calm down, then come. I have got to go, but I will see you in about an hour,"

He ended the call and I started to sob, taking my uneaten lunch to the kitchen. As much as I was okay with all this kind of stuff, I didn't like the lack of mental preparation, like I hadn't for my head injury, or this. All I did was eat my lunch.

I splashed cold water on my face, then got dressed and went to dad's room and found a sweatshirt to cuddle. Doing as Michael said, I booked a taxi and headed over, then checked in and sat in the corner. It took a while. I saw a lot of people come and go, and my mouth was hurting like a bitch. I even saw Michael come out, talking about rescheduling, which almost made me cry.

Eventually, he did call me through, and I started hysterically crying before we even got in the office.

"Esme! We don't need to cry like this," he said, passing me tissues as i sat down, "Hey? Tell me what's happened,"

"I was just eating lunch and it happened,"

"What did you eat?"


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