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"Your ass looks so good,"

"Hi, Link,"

"Oh. Hi Calum," he said, looking at me out the side of his eye, "I don't usually start with that,"

"Yes you do," I giggled, "Am I getting a tan?"

"More like a burn,"

I felt him move the parasol, so rolled onto my back and smiled up at him, biting my lip to stop myself laughing from him very obviously drooling over me.

"The others are grabbing the food, how was your day?"

"Nice. Dad stayed home,"

"Oh really? Bet you enjoyed the day off,"

"I did,"

"My dad should be here in like, half an hour,"


"Let's go to my room," I said, holding my hand out for Link to pull me up, "Do you want another drink, dad?"

"I'm alright,"

We went upstairs and Link shut my door, immediately grabbing my waist, then clearly changing his mind and grabbing my ass.

"You have no self control,"

"Well I didn't know you were gonna be in this,"

"I should've told you so you came im swimming trunks,"

"I could always just take my shirt off,"

"Or I could,"

"Thought you had a bad concussion,"

"It's getting better," I said, lifting his shirt as far as I could reach, until he had to do the rest. Then, he threw it onto my bed and picked me up which he always liked to do so we were face to face. Sometimes I dreaded the angle he saw me from all the way up there.

"Lock my door,"

"I have no hands free,"

"Yeah I feel them both on my ass,"

"Shut up," he said, kissing me as I did the lock up with my free hand.

He held me for a minute or two, then slowly lowered me to the bed, grinning to himself. I scoffed and he smirked, then brushed the hair from my neck, gently pushing my head to the side with his finger.

"Our friends?" I whispered, running my hand down his arm.

"They're not coming yet,"

"You're sure?"

He didn't answer, so I guessed not.

I did not need him to leave any mark, so I pushed his chin back up to kiss him again. His hand went down to my bikini bottoms, but I broke off and shook my head, so he lowered himself beside me instead, keeping his head close to mine.

"You okay?"

"Not feeling it today,"

"Okay," he said, pecking my lips again, "Sorry,"

"No, this is good,"



Not to use the word make-out, but we kinda just made out for a bit. I really enjoyed being intimate, and I felt so comfortable with Link, but sometimes I just wanted it to be chill. Especially with my head.

We let time carry us away, until we heard Clara and Jay outside my door, and I threw his tshirt on, smoothing my hair out. Link unlocked the door, and they came in, looking between us both.

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