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"Look at them,"

"She really loves him," Luke whispered , teasingly elbowing my side, "And he loves her,"

"They're definitely that gross pda couple at school," I grimaced, shutting her bedroom door. I came home expecting to talk to Esme, but apparently her and Link had been napping for quite some time so I just let them be, although admittedly I did shut the door a little heavy as I was cooking soon.

"He should be at school,"

"Cal, it is a good thing she has someone like that in her life. He brought her coffee, and a bag of things. How was work?"


"Why don't you go and shower, and I will cook. Get in your comfies,"

"Thank you,"

I grabbed my towel from my room and got in the shower, then changed into joggers and a tshirt, Esme's door opening as I left to head downstairs. Sheepishly, she took a step back, and picked at her lip.

"Are you mad?"


"Okay. I have three offers, and they're all near here because I wanted to come and find you and live with you, and I didn't like talking about it incase I didn't find you,"

"I would've made sure to find you. Come here,"

As we hugged, I felt her shoulders relax, so gently rubbed her back for a bit. It made me wonder if there was anything else she hadn't told me. It's not like it made me not trust her, but it definitely made it harder to knowing that she kept so many secrets. I supposed that was just teenagers.

"Link needs to go home now,"

"What? Why? He is upset,"

"Oh. I thought you were upset,"

"We are both upset,"

"Well, I still would like him to go home after we have eaten,"

She pushed herself off me, then went back to her room, slamming her door. I would never win. I wasn't against Link but she was injured, and I selfishly wanted to spend time with her tonight. All day I had worried about her, and missed her, and I needed to have her by my side for a couple of hours.

With a sigh, I went downstairs and helped Luke cook, then called them both down. Link came down on his own.

"She is refusing,"

"Then she will be hungry,"

"Why does it feel like you are against me?" Link said, "I don't treat her wrong. She needs patience, and someone to listen, but you always lecture her and seem offended that she managed to build a life while she had to spend some time away. You should be happy she had us around, but no, you're not happy she wants to spend time with me, someone who actually listens to her, so now she has to go hungry. She is concussed for god's sake. Just let her see who she wants to see. Yesterday that was Michael and you lectured her. Today is me and you're lecturing her when she isn't even in the room. She is polite, and hardworking, and managed to keep herself on her feet all on her own. She is a lot smarter and capable than you seen to think,"

"You're not staying over tonight,"

I passed him two plates, then he rolled his eyes and took it upstairs; as soon as he was gone, I sat at the table and cried. He was right. I was lecturing her for no good reason.

"Cal, you are doing a great job,"

"I am not,"

"You are,"


"At least eat some food,"

Luke sat opposite me, also eating, although I was picking at it. Wasn't hungry. I sat like it for a while, then Luke heated it back up and put it infront of me, lightly flicking my head.

"Eat so you are not hangry,"


I heard Link coming downstairs, and he put two empty plates on the side, then readjusted his jumper.

"Look, Calum. Sorry if I came across harsh. It's only because I know how much she missed you, and while she was away, she was clinging so hard onto all the good parts. I know none of us are perfect, but she keeps really getting upset about the nagging and I want her to feel like this is home for her, I want that just as much as you. I am not trying to keep her from you,"

"I know. I am sorry too. Stay if you want,"

"I do want to, but she does need time with you,"

"Okay," I said quietly, "Thank you, for looking out for her,"

"That's what boyfriends are for. Always on her side,"

He let himself out, and Luke raised his eyebrows, but I knew Link had a good point. Once I had eaten, Luke also let himself out, so I went upstairs to see Esme; I found her crying. When I walked in, she wiped her tears and rolled over, bundling up in her duvet. She always had done that when she was upset.

I was really confused about how to be her dad. I thought she liked me having rules because she felt like I was her dad, then all of a sudden it was bad. One minute she opened up and the next she shut me out. She wanted to hang out then she didn't.

"I am really sorry I have been upsetting you, and nagging you. I am really sorry that I have upset you whilst trying to navigate this, I really am. I am really sorry,"

"I do love you, a lot. I do wanna tell you things,"

"I know, lovebug,"

"I am really anxious, since I got home,"

"Oh lovebug," I said, sitting on the floor infront of her, "It is going to get better. How is your head?"


"Yeah? Why don't we lay together and listen to your audio book?"

"Yeah. Sorry I kept uni a secret,"

"It's okay. I am not used to secrets but I am not your best friend anymore! Which is good!"

"You are still one of my best friends," she sniffled, shuffling into me as I laid down, "Forever,"

"I have all those cards you ever made me saying that, you know?"

"You do?"


Smiling, she rolled over and faced me.

"I think I know what uni I am gonna go to,"

"Really? Which one?"

"The one closest to home,"

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