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I carried on the dance, acting like it didn't happen. I went behind the people anyway, so now one really saw my head slam into the ground, and I got back up. It knocked me back into focus on the routine for sure, and the rest of the tricks went well, although I did not do my back flip at the end.

I was humiliated. I knew it wasn't that serious, but it was my dad, and my uncles, who had come off work early to see me.

The stands started to cheer as everyone ran on the pitch, and Link ran over to me to make sure I was okay; I nodded, and kissed his uniform which he hated because it got stained with red lipstick, but he let me do.

"Are you okay?" Clara said, "You have a lump on your head,"

"I do?"

"Yeah. Come with me,"

She passed me my water bottle and led me up to where dad was sat, having them scoot along. I sat next to dad, then she sat next to me and kept her arm round me.

"You were both amazing!"

"I fell,"

"Thank you, Calum. I am Clara,"

"Nice to meet you, Clara,"

"Esme whacked her head on the floor but she will be okay,"

"You feeling okay?" he said, rubbing my arm, "Ay?"

"A bit sick,"

"Okay, let's go and get some space and some air,"

He stood up, so I followed, holding his hand tightly. I was a bit dizzy, and a bit nauseous, and my head was pounding. So much for spotters.

"Follow my finger... good. Will school have ice?"


"Let's see if we can get some ice,"

"I feel a bit sick,"

"Okay. Maybe we should go and get you checked out,"

"I need to stay for Link,"

"Tell Link he can come round tonight,"

"It'll take too long,"

"You are the daughter of a neurologist, no it won't,"

He helped me to the car and passed me a bag just incase, buckling my seatbelt for me. I felt pathetic all over again.

"I loved that performance. It was amazing,"

"No you didn't,"

"I did. I thought you all did really well, and it was nice to see you doing all your tricks again,"

"You didn't like it!"

"Don't shout at me. I loved it,"

"You have to come next week and it will be better,"

"I will come every time,"


"Let's get you checked out,"

When we went inside, he took me through the hospital and spoke to a few people until he could get me in an exam room with a doctor. I was feeling quite upset about everything else already, and felt overstimulated by the questions.
I didn't mind the doctors, but I wanted to go home.

He decided I had a mild concussion, and gave us some ice to hold on my head, then we went home. I decided not to text Link, knowing he might show up anyway, and instead sat with my eyes shut, driving back home.

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