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"No school. You are coming to work with me,"

"What? No,"


"I want my own bed,"

"Then you were never fit for school,"

"I... well, yeah," I mumbled, "Why can't I stay home?"

"Because Link filled me with no confidence that he wouldn't come and take you to cheer,"

"You are so boring!"

"Esme, pack your bag, you are coming to work,"

"Take me to Link's house,"

"No. We don't have time anyway. Pack a bag,"

Groaning, I rolled my eyes and packed myself a book and my phone charger, then left the house infront of him and shut the door behind me in his face. He just came back out and unlocked the car, then got in and waited for me.

"It isn't that I dont trust you,"

"Well it is,"

"Maybe. I don't know, but I am doing the best right now and I want to know you are safe, so you are coming,"

"Fine," I mumbled, "Can we eat lunch together?"

"Of course,"

We drove to work in silence, then he took me to an office and had me lay down, tucking me under a blanket. Apparently he shared it with people, but it wasn't that big so I doubted it was many people.

Once he was gone, I napped for a bit, then I got hungry so I found a snack in his drawer and ate it, taking out my book. Unfortunately for me, my vision was still a bit blurred and my head still killed, so I put an audiobook on my phone instead and laid listening with my eyes shut. I heard some people come and go, but no one bothered me.

I would've much rather been at home, but I knew dad was just worried, and by the size of my forehead I didn't blame him. It made sense he didn't trust me with all the changes, so even though it made me mad, I was giving him grace. We were both learning, and I knew being taken had not only impacted me. He was doing what he thought was best and it didn't really harm me or stop me hanging out with my friends. I was trying to pick my battles.

"Are you awake?"


"I brought food," dad said, switching from whisper to normal voice, "Audiobook? Nice,"

"It hurts to look at anything and concentrate,"

"Yeah, it will do for a bit. Sit up,"

He helped me, then I took a few minutes to recollect and took the food from him, taking a few small bites.

"Have you been okay?"



"Oh, hey!" Ashton said, walking in, "How is your head?"

"It has been better,"

"I guess so. Huh, I swear I had a snack in here,"

"Oh, I thought that was dad's drawer,"

"Ah well,"


"It's okay, I will get myself something else,"

"I am really sorry,"

"Hey, it's okay sweetheart! Don't get upset about it,"


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