Chapter-4 (rasam)

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Sampoorna: we will start the rasam now. She calls out Bondita. Bondita comes for the rasam.
Anirudh gets Bondita's mirror. He asks her to fulfill the rasam by seeing Manorama in that mirror.
Bondita takes that mirror from his hand without even looking at him...

Bondita shows the mirror to Manorama. Sampoorna asks Manorama to touch Bondita's feet. Manorama nods and tries touching Bondita's feet. But Bondita stops her....

Sampoorna asks Bondita to bless Manorama, accept Anirudh and Manorama's relation.
Anirudh also asks Bondita to bless Manorama.

Bondita : Didn't you teach me to respect elders. How can I let her touch my feet? Looks like you forgot your own teachings..

She gives her watch and the mirror to Manorama. And leaves from there.. Everyone was shocked..Anirudh gets sad seeing she didn't take the mirror back....

Bondita then looked at the small white mirror before leaving. Anirudh had given this to her when they were living in the small hut. She never let anyone else touch it.

But today Anirudh told her to look at Manorama through that mirror.

Even though she told herself not to think about him anymore still she can't help but feel hurt each time she remembers. She was hurt so badly. But she quickly pulled herself back together. It's not time to break.

She has to face it strongly. She has to find a way to leave this house and leave him. But running away is not safe. There's no one who would offer her help at this moment.

She hated to admit it but it's true Anirudh was her only shelter and also her last hope in every dangerous situation. But this time she has to fight against him.

She didn't want any revenge because of his life saving grace. Even though they were married, to him she's just a responsibility.

In the past , she was naive. She always demanded wife rights. And didn't understand why he says she is responsibility and doesn't treat her as wife. But now she understands,

He's so called responsibility is just another name for burden. She was just a burden that he bought on himself.

Ksj gets sad seeing Bondita so silent...

Ksj: How can I see Bondita's pain.

Bihari: Then do something Malik, talk to Anirudh Babu..

Ksj: I talked to him.. but he won't listen to anyone. He's not realizing how much he's hurting her.. He also told Sumati not to help Bondita.

Bihari: But why is he doing all this?

Ksj: He wants to send her to boarding school.

Bihari: Malik... won't you help Chote Malkin?

Ksj didn't answer.. just stared at Bondita's leaving back.

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