Chapter-11 (Flashback)

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In The Prison

Anirudh was chained and put into a cell.

Anirudh was already lifeless. He had also stopped struggling.

He was remembering the moments he spent with Bondita. Those moments when he used to look into those doe eyes. Her smile filled with innocence. He always wanted to treasure her. But what now..

He suddenly remembered at the beginning of their marriage he hated her existence because she ruined his life. At that time he even considered her a burden that he bought on himself. He didn't even wanted to see her face.

He still remembers when she stepped in to their house asking him , " when would Ma come?" He didn't reply her. He left her in the hall to face the questions of his family. He didn't even ask her if she was hungry. Why did his heart not melt back then after all she was just a 8 years old kid.

Then he shouted at her because she went to the balcony seeing the decorations.

She must be very scared back then right?

When he knew she was the girl who wrote that letter he suddenly became interested in her. Seeing her fighting with those villagers to prove them wrong, she became most different from other woman in the village .

In his eyes, she became the weapon that he could use to fight for women's rights.

He taught her reading and writing. Gave her the freedom to dream. But did he ever considered her whishes when he was making decisions for her..

Anirudh: Because of my negligence she got into trouble so many times.. She almost lost her life, she was sold to Hera Mandi. Even though I saved her many times but it was also because of me she got into those troubles.

Anirudh: I'm sorry Bondita.. I didn't take care of you well. You were pissed between me and Kaka. But I didn't help you out. I pushed you farther away.

Anirudh: I thought by freeing you from this marriage would help you to move forward. I didn't realize I was taking away your shield and last shelter.

Anirudh: Those people who dare not attack you because of the Roy Choudhury surname would definitely come to take revenge after you are all alone. Because of my foolishness you had to suffer..

Anirudh remembered Kaka's words. He was horrified. He went near the iron bars and shouted,

Anirudh: Bondita.. Bondita.. I want to see my Bondita.. please I just want to see her for once..

Then he breaks down crying... He suddenly remembered her calm eyes with no emotions... Was it because she was too much disappointed at him?

Bondita's last words started ringing in his ears like a curse,

"Then I wish you a lifetime of happiness. Good bye, Barrister Babu."

Flash Back Ends..

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