Chapter-10 (Anirudh)

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In a dark room a man was sitting on a recliner chair, the study lamp was on. On the study table there was a picture of a little girl wearing a black Cape.

That man was none other than Anirudh. Anirudh was staring at the girl in the picture. He was holding two coconut shells tired with the rope.

Anirudh still remembers how he and Bondita used to talk to each other using them. He took one shell near his mouth and spoke.

Anirudh: Bondita are you there? Please talk to your patibabu. I miss you so much. I am sorry for hurting you. But what I was doing I was doing it for your future. I could never imagine that I would put you in danger.

Anirudh: I never thought after the broken marriage you have to face the villagers who were running after your life.

After Bondita left the house Anirudh had arranged a hostel for her. Anirudh thought she would be able to study, being in the hostel with other kids. He did not call her for a month to not to break her determination.

That day before the party started Anirudh called the warden to know about Bondita. But to his shock the warden replied that she was not there.

Flash Back,

Anirudh: What do you mean by she is not there? I sent her there to study. She is your responsibility. How can you be so irresponsible?

Warden: Mr. Roy Choudhury. Someone from your home called and asked me to send Bondita to the temple for puja. They also told she won't be back for a few days. That's why we did not inform you.

Anirudh: Who was it? Who called you? Can you remember?

Warden: I remember it was a woman. She did not tell her name but she called herself Mrs. Roy Choudhury.

(Call ended)

Anirudh thought it was Manorama. He had to ask Manorama about it. Anirudh went to their bedroom.

Manorama was preparing something, suddenly seeing him there she hides it. Anirudh doesn't notice.

Manorama: What happened Anirudh?

Anirudh: Bondita is missing. Do you know where is she? You have to answer me honestly Manorama.

Manorama didn't know what was Anirudh talking about. But she can't delay the party after all she has to complete her mission first. So she reassured Anirudh,

Manorama: Don't worry Anirudh we will definitely find Bondita. But before that I have to complete my mission today. Please Anirudh, it will only take a few hours.

Anirudh thought bondita was with Manorama. So he had to help her to complete her mission first. Even though he didn't know what was her mission.

After a few hours Anirudh finally knew what was the mission when the bomb blast happened.

A few Britishers died in the bomb blast. Anirudh was still shocked seeing Manorama's lifeless body. He didn't even get the time to recover from the shock when the police came to arrest him the next day...

A lot of things happened.. His Baba and Kaka tried their best to save him from going behind the bars but nothing helped.

After his baba pulled a lot of strings and bribed a lot of officers. They reduced his sentence to one year in prison.

When he was being taken to the prison his Kaka asked him,

Ksj: Was it worth it Anirudh? If you were not that adamant, right now you and Bondita would be living happily together.

Ksj: You said she's young but she would eventually grow up. You call yourself her teacher but why are you so impatient when it comes to teaching her.

Ksj: Now look what you did just to prove yourself right. Why did you bring tragedy to yourself and her?

Anirudh was shocked.

Anirudh: What happened to Bondita? Kaka please tell me.

Ksj didn't reply.

Anirudh: Kaka.. Kaka.. Kaka. I beg you kaka please tell me she's alright.. Kaka.. Bondita..

Anirudh was dragged away by the constables.

(Flash Back continues)

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