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Nothing had happened for a week, each day Seungmin got more anxious for the time he would come again and do whatever he wanted to do.

But he didnt seem so interested anymore. He walked with his friends. Even in classes he wouldn't sit next to Seungmin. Though Seungmin couldn't stop looking at everything he did. Scared he would randomly come out of the dark.

He had done this earlier, though it almost always only took one to two days until he would come and start bothering Seungmin again.

So maybe he had actually given up. Maybe his friends changed him, or well found it dumb he would interact with such a low class.

The others had asked a few questions about why they didn't talk to each other anymore. Seungmin had made things up, saying that he wanted to make other friends too. He definitely was a liar, Chungho hadn't made that up. He was a huge liar.

No one seemed to be worried about Seungmin. Which made sense. Why worry about someone who doesn't seem to have a lot of worries. He always had been quiet, it wasn't like he just now stopped talking.

It was until today. There was Chungho, nonchalantly he sat down next to where Seungmin sat. "Hi Chungho", it sounded enthusiastic. Seungmin couldn't care who said that. It was, again, him and his thoughts.

'They never liked you. Look, even Chungho is better than you. Even Chungho, what are you thinking? He has always been better than, YOU.'

All of them are talking to Chungho, Seungmin again felt a hand on his now right leg where Chungho had sat himself. He moved his hand up and down. To close. Seungmin was all shaking.

Chungho seemed to notice but only stopped when Hyunjin asked if Seungmin was okay. Seungmin just nodded. "Anyways about something being okay," Chungho began his sentence, "did you already get permission to go to my house, or are we going to yours?"

"Oh, let's go to mine," Seungmin answered. Not that he knew anything about what he said, he wanted to get this over with, and well at his home there couldn't happen to much, right.

"Yes of course, it would be amazing to meet your family again." What had he agreed with? He could have said that he didnt get permission but then again the other probably still would walk with him to his house. So maybe this was the best answer to the question.

The bell almost immediately rang after, so they went to the classes they still had to attend.

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