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"You got a sweatshirt you can put over that shit? You can see the bottom of your tits. I know my mom ain't wanna see that" Krist started in as soon as we pulled into the parking lot. "Just because you are a whore online don't mean you need to look like one in real life."

Oh my god, Krist, shut the fuck up already, I thought to myself but said nothing instead.

I parked my car next to his mom's black Mercedes SUV and grabbed the hoody Krist had left in the backseat at some point, zipping it up to my chin and pulling the hood up.

"Take the hood off. You look shady as fuck," he told me.

I yanked the hoody down, "Anything else you need to complain about?"

"Bro, I'm not complaining, just telling you," he replied, opening his door. That motherfucker complained about literally everything but whatever.

I followed him over to his mom's car, waiting for her to get out.

"Hi, Linda," I said in my cheeriest voice possible.

"Hi, Lainey, how have you been?" She asked, her voice fake as well.

"Good, good!" I told her.

Krist gave me a dirty ass look for no reason as we followed her into the store. She told us to grab a cart and pick out what we needed. I tried not to grab too much because Krist would complain about that.

Instead, he griped that I was being disrespectful to his mom because she was doing us a favor, and with it being my job to cook, I should be the one picking food out.

"Krist, is this how you always talk to her?" Linda asked.

"No," he lied, knowing damn well he did.

We finished grocery shopping. Linda had gotten us about two hundred dollars worth of food, gave Krist another two hundred cash, and then took us to sushi afterward.

Krist was already on the phone looking for dope as soon as we were back in the car. Nobody was picking up, and if they did, they didn't have anything, which put Krist in an extra bad mood.

"Babe, let's just go get some edibles and go chill at home," I suggested.

He looked like he would blow up at my suggestion, but to my surprise, he agreed. I drove to the dispensary near our house and waited for Krist to give me cash to run in since I was twenty-one, and he was still a wee little boy, only twenty years old.

He handed me two twenty dollar bills, "Get me a pre-roll and whatever you want."

"Thanks, cutie, you're the best," I smiled, giving him a little kiss on the cheek, happy to see a little smile forming on his crabby face.

"Shut the fuck up," he told me, trying to look tough, but his eyes gave him away. "Aye, baby, get me two joints though."

I held my palm out, waiting for more money. Sighing, he handed me another twenty.

"For real, don't try to spend too much. I wanna at least get a ball when someone gets back to us," he told me.

I hurried inside and returned with a pack of strawberry-watermelon gummies and two joints for Krist, giving him his $8 change.

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