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Over a month had gone by and things were looking really good. I'd been clean off dope for over a month, the longest I had been clean since I even started using at the age of fourteen. Wild, right?

Work was good and I was really enjoying it. I had learned how to make all the drinks on the menu and they'd even started to teach me how to bake. My ass could barely even make Kraft dinner without burning it and there I was baking all kinds of pastries. They actually were edible!

Things with Jake were going well too. We had gone from being in like with each other to being in like-like. On top of that, he'd gotten his dream fulfilled of his bad add twelve-foot-tall skeleton for his house and we had become official cat parents!

We had found the cutest little tuxedo kitten when we were out on a walk that we named Scooter. He was seriously stinking cute with his big green eyes, poofy ear tufts, and white paws. He stayed at my place because one of Jake's roommates was allergic to cats.

No complaints about that from me, it meant I got kitty snuggles as often as I wanted and it was also a huge motivation for Jake to stay at my place more.

Anyway, I was sitting on the floor playing with Scooter when my text notification pinged. I swiped up, seeing it was from none other than Bitch Ass. It was almost like he had some sick sixth sense that told him I was actually moving in from him.

"Hey, you home? I wanna come grab my stuff from you."

Gross. I texted back "Yeah, I'll just set it outside the door. No need to knock or anything."


The exchange went better than I had expected. I felt relieved as I left his things next to the door, looked like we were done done.

About an hour later, I heard something outside the door. Peeking into the peephole, I saw Krist grab the bag of stuff and turn to leave, hesitating. He stood and stared at the door, unaware I was watching him. Krist raised his hand to know, lowering it, and turned to leave.


I opened the door as he neared the stairs, "Krist?"

Krist looked over his shoulder, "Aye," he said quietly, giving me a small smile.

"You want to come in for a few?" I asked, peeking through the partially opened door to make sure Scooter didn't try to make a run for it.

"Why, you got people in there wanting to jump me?" He laughed.

"No, it's just me," I assured him.

He shrugged, following me inside. As soon as he saw Scooter, he wrinkled his nose in disgust, "You got a fuckin' cat?"

I scooped my little fluff ball up, kissing the top of his head, "How can you not like this little squishy baby face?"

Krist sat down on the bed, scanning the apartment for whatever. Probably looking for Jake's stuff. Nosey fuck.

"You know I can't stand cats," he told me, eyes still scanning.

I sat down in my green chair cradling Scooter like a baby, "Why though?"

"Why? Because they shed and fuckin' pee on everything," he told me.

I rolled my eyes. Such a stick in the mud.

"Yeah, maybe the gross trailer park cats you have been around, Scooter is a good boy." I scratched under his little white chin, he closed his eyes, a low rumble coming from his little self.

"Bro, it's all cats," Krist assured me.

I shot him an exaggerated dirty look. Not gonna front but he looked good though. Gained a few pounds, and his skin had some color to it. He looked like he'd been clean too.

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