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"I can't believe they fired you," I told Krist a few weeks later.

We were sitting in my apartment, well our apartment because he'd moved back in, waiting for Fernando to come through with some skante because, in addition to relapsing on each other, we hella relapsed on dope.

Krist was lying on the floor, hands behind his head, shirtless in a pair of shorts, chuckling, "Hella stupid right? They said that someone reported I appeared to be under the influence of stimulants. Like, come the fuck in, fucking everybody and their momma is high in that bitch. How else do they think we working them long ass shifts?"

"That is stupid as fuck," I agreed, "Do you think someone just had it out for you?"

"Who fucking knows, dawg, I don't even care. Fuck Amazon," Krist said, climbing to his feet and checking his phone, "Where this muh fucker at? Damn, dude. Fernando always be on some missions for real. He told me he leaving his house like three hours ago. Gresham ain't nothing but a half hour away."

Krist had smoked a bowl of shit with the ghetto asses downstairs but didn't invite me so I was fiending while his ass was high as fuck. Dick.

"Shit, I just want my fucking paycheck, bro," he said to nobody as he paced the room, "Fuck man. Oh and get this, my fucking mom is saying she gonna take my car back now because I can't keep making payments? The fuck is that?"

"Just get another job, babe? Do Instacart or something," I suggested, "Sell your body."

"Sheeeit just might do that," he told me as He stroked his chin before lacing his fingers behind his head.

I looked up from my game of Candy Crush, "What? Sell your body or do Instacart?"

"Both," he grinned.

"Nasty ass," I laughed, "You over there just popping your bussy."

"Hell naw, and that's where you got me fucked up. Imma be bagging old ladies, straight busting their old pussies open. POW."

"Gross, babe!" I giggled, "You're so gross."

"You don't even know," he laughed as his phone vibrated. I didn't even need to ask who was calling, I could hear the thundering bass and loud ass exhaust in the parking lot as Fernando pulled into the parking lot.

"Fuckin' finally, bro," he answered the phone, "Imma be out in like three seconds...I owe you what, like one-twenty?...that's what's up!"

Krist ended the call, rubbing his hands together, smiling like a kid on Christmas Day, only this Christmas was gonna be an icy one, "He said one hundred 'cause it's different shit," he told me, pulling his shirt over his head as he slipped his feet into his house shoes, "Be right back."

"He's not coming in?" I asked, not even meaning nothing by it.

Krist's expression soured momentarily and despite his big ass pupils, his eyes managed to get darker, "Why, so you can fuckin suck him off?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, I was hoping you would

"Pshh. Shut your ass up, for real," Krist began rummaging through his pockets, "Aye, where's my wallet?"

I nodded to the Dickies that were crumbled up on the floor, "Did you look there?"

Triumphantly, he held up his wallet, pulling out several bills, "I'm gonna have him run me down to the corner store? You want anything?"

Thinking for a moment, I told him I wanted one of those big ass purple popsicles, the ones that come in a plastic tube, and a Hawaiian Punch.
Krist kissed me on the forehead before bouncing out the door, singing "Diamonds" by Rhianna. Fucking weirdo.

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