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"Babe, you can't be mixing pills and alcohol like that," I lectured him the following day.

He was still lying in bed, back turned to me as he ignored me. He was still mad about our argument and was giving me the silent treatment. I slipped into bed next to him, putting my chin on his shoulder, "You aren't going to talk to me?"

"Ain't got shit to say to you, Lainey," he told me flatly.

Krist was scrolling through his Facebook feed, I didn't realize how many bitches he had on his friends list.

"Are all your friends on there females?" I asked, "That why you keep your friend list private?"

Krist sat up, climbing out of bed, "Maybe," he told me, "Why? You looking for bitches to fuck with next time I pass out?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing," I told him.

"I might, we'll see."

Krist locked himself in the bathroom, I could hear him turn the shower on. Clearly, he was looking to pick a fight so he could leave. Fuck him, we both can play that game.

I texted Madison to find out what she was up to and if she wanted to get together to make some content. She said to come over, I let her know I was waiting for Bitch Ass to leave and then I would.

Krist emerged from the shower, a towel wrapped around his lower body. He dressed, pulling on fresh boxers, a gray sweatsuit with a white tee shirt, and all-white Nike Air Flight Classics. He doused himself with cologne.

"Where are you going?" I wanted to know.

"Out," he told me.

I could hear bass thumping outside in the parking lot. Krist glanced at his phone, walking towards the front door. Judging by the intensity of the bass, the only person I could assume he was leaving with was Fernando.

"So you're gonna go get some dope? Thought you weren't fucking with that anymore," I said, pushing my way in front of the door.

Krist glared at me, "Lainey, move, I ain't tryna have to move you."

Folding my arms over my chest, I shook my head, "No."

Krist's phone rang, I attempted to snatch it from his hand, "Aye, dawg, Imma be right now...yeah, this bitch is just acting a fool and blocking the door...Alright." he ended the call, slipping his phone into his hoodie, "Bro, fucking move."

He reached for my elbow, trying to drag me out of the way, I slapped at him. We scuffled briefly, Krist overpowering me and slipping out of the front door. I got myself ready for the day and texted Madi that I was headed over.


"What happened with him this time?" Madison asked me.

I rolled my eyes, "He's mad because I messed with some chick at that party, he was literally right next to me when it happened and now he's saying that's cheating."

"If he was right there, he could have told you no then," she pointed out.

"Exactly. He's just salty that he don't remember because he was just that fucked up."

My phone rang, "Ugh, it's Bitch Ass," I announced, answering his FaceTime call.

He was inside Fernando's car, "Aye, where the fuck you leave to?" Krist demanded.

"I'm at Madison's," I told him.

"Why so y'all can eat each other's pussies as soon as I leave?"

I could hear Fernando chuckle in the background. "Aye tell them hoes we got some dope," he told Krist.

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