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Krist and I wound up going to this house party in Fruit Valley, I should have known it was a stupid idea since the house was at this guy Brandon's house and Brandon was good friends with my ex-Jonathan. And Jonathan and Krist happened to have some weird friendship on Facebook during the times Krist hated me.

Because of whose house it was, I didn't even bother dressing up, just some black leggings, a Hello Kitty tee shirt, and a big hoodie...and I'm sure you all can guess what Krist wore.

Krist was kind of bitchy that day because his mom and Bill finally followed through with their threat and took his car away to sell since he wasn't paying them which had been the agreement. His mom had even threatened to stop paying his cell phone and giving him his money each month.

When I say he was kind of bitchy, I mean he was actually bitchy and whiny, he sounded like a spoiled entitled brat if I'm being honest. And that's coming from me whose mom pays my way as well.

He spent the car ride to the party complaining, ranting, and doing his infamous tongue-click, telling me how fucked up his mom was for taking the car, how was he gonna get a new job without it, blah blah blah blah.

And also that I couldn't possibly understand because my mom pays for everything. My mom paid for everything because she didn't want me around her and didn't want me to be some prostie out on 82nd.

I made the joke that maybe he should tell his mom that now he has to resort to selling his body which set him off.

"Really fucking funny, Lainey," he snapped, folding his arms across his chest and sulking.

"It's a joke, not a dick, don't take it so hard," I told him reaching for his forearm.

He jerked away, "You think you're so fucking with that gay shit. You know that shit pisses me off."

"God, whatever. It was a fucking joke."

Krist clicked his tongue at me, "You want me to start joking about shit you did too? Hey Lainey, tell your mom you need money or maybe you will have to go fuck some fat old men for money, har har har."

"Krist shut the fuck up, that's not even what I was getting at. Oh my fucking god," I snapped.

"Yeah, ok. That's why you keep fucking saying it. Shit, man, I don't even know why I..." his voice trailed off.

I could feel myself losing control, pulling the Jetta into the Shell station a few blocks from the party.

"You don't know why you what?" I demanded, my voice raising to a yell, "Why you came back? Why you're with me?"

He clicked his tongue again, "Bro, just shut your fucking mouth. For real"

"Tell me what you were about to say," I yelled at him.

He slouched down like a scolded child, pulled his hoody up, "Just shut the fuck up for once. It ain't that-"

Krist's words were cut off by my open palm striking him in the head. Once. Twice. I went for a third but he grabbed my wrists restraining me.

"I am not trying to fuck you up today, fucking stop," he told me through clenched teeth, squeezing my wrist.

We started at one another for what felt like an eternity, eyes locked in anger. Finally, he let go, turning away from me as I fought back my tears. I didn't even want to go to that party but felt like it would probably be the better option than returning home to possibly escalate our fighting.

I put the Jetta in park and continued to the party, parking on the street in front of the old rundown house. Krist didn't even wait for me to go in, he may as well have run out of the car, giving a couple dudes props and immediately bumming smokes off people.

Madi was there, fortunately, not that I was still comfortable with her being in the same proximity as Krist but I knew I needed to let it go. She'd been my main squeeze since Kindergarten and I didn't want Bitch Ass coming between us more so than he had already.

"He is back on his bullshit I take it?" She asked as we entered the house.

"When is he not?" I scoffed, pouring myself a vodka and cranberry, "I'm just so over his frigging mouth and attitude. His mom took his car back and he's been pissed off about that which means he's taking it out on me."

I saw him swagger into the living room in the corner of my vision, burning anger still burning dark in his pale eyes.

"I'm just over it," I told him, watching him not-so-subtly look at Madison's ass before locking eyes with me and smirking.

Krist was a such fucking cunt. When I looked back, I should have known he was looking for an excuse to relapse and blame me for it but I was young and stupid so I didn't recognize the signs, even as an addict myself.

Madi and I chilled side by side on the couch, talking about this new guy she was sorta seeing/vibing with named Davion that she had met at one of the local rap shows. He himself made music but didn't rap I guess. But he was cute, big pretty smile and nice eyes, bleached dreads, couple face tattoos, and a slim build.
She described him as a bit of a free spirit hippie type and I was happy for her. It was the first time I'd seen her interested in anyone since Deangelo passed and I had been sure that she never would get over his death.

We were having a decent time, Krist kept his distance and hung out with my ex and Brandon which was weird but whatever. Krist was weird.

When Madison had to use the bathroom, I decided to go look for Bitch Ass. Apparently, nobody had seen him. I ended up noticing that the little garden shed in the backyard had a light on and the door was partially open, which was the only place he could have been.
Before I could get to the door, he was emerging, eyes bright and pupils huge.

"Oh hey, baby," he told me, it was clear to me that he was high with how rushed his words were coming out.

"What were you doing?" I demanded.

"Just smoking a bowl. Of weed. Why? What you think I was doing? Ain't no females in there if that what you thinking?"

He tried hugging me, I pushed him away.

He clicked his tongue at me, "Aye, come on, we tryna have a good time."

"Just weed, huh?"

I don't know why I was even mad when I knew that I'd be asking him to buy us some shit too but then again...he had promised me we could get clean after what he'd done to me and the apartment. I know it was an addiction but the fact he frigging nearly strangled the life out of me because he was in some weirdo psychosis and still couldn't stay clean...it felt like he didn't fucking care.

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