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Four days later, I woke up to find Krist sitting criss-cross applesauce in the middle of the apartment, cigarette dangling from his pretty lips as he ripped up the carpet in front of the closet.

I sat up in bed, pulling the comforter over my bare breasts, silently watching him as he pulled back the carpet, his hollow eyes fixating on a small gap beneath the baseboard.

Krist dropped his cigarette into the empty forty bottle at his side, dropping to his belly, and peered beneath the gap, poking it at with a dull steak knife as he muttered incoherently to himself about "these motherfuckers", stabbing at the gap again.

He clearly hadn't slept since he smoked shit with the lames from the apartments and was on some weird shit.

I'd had slept the entire night as well as taking a few cat naps the day prior so I felt pretty normal. I loved Krist but he always scared me when he got on that weirdness.

I slid down beneath the covers and closed my eyes, hoping he didn't notice I was awake as he tore our apartment apart, if he noticed he would turn his paranoid on me and turn violent.

He had that shitty dark aura going on, I could feel myself being filled with dread. It wasn't going to be a good day. I contemplated texting Madi and asking if I could come over but that was something that would really set him off, he would start with the accusations of cheating and he would beat my ass before I could leave.

Krist rose to his feet, wandering over to the kitchen, and rummaging through the drawers for a much larger knife. Heart racing, I pulled my knees up to my chest, making myself as small as possible under the blankets, and hoped he had forgotten I was there.

Thankfully (?) he returned back to the wall and dropped back to the floor, "I got you you tricky mother fuckers," he muttered, taking the larger knife and jabbing it under the baseboard, creating a jagged edge in the wood. I could hear the sound of splintering wood as he stabbed at it, talking to himself.

My stomach was in knots and I had to pee like nobody's business but the psychotic mother fucker was scaring me.

I swear to god, he spent a good three hours stabbing beneath the baseboards, occasionally taking a break to rummage through the cupboard for shit and rip the carpet up further.

When he finally gave up and disappeared into the bathroom, locking the door behind him, I grabbed my phone, dove out of bed, and slipped my feet into the first pair of shoes I could find. Krist's Nike slides.

I froze in the middle of the room, listening. I could hear his lighter flicking in the bathroom, we didn't have anything left so I knew he was hitting the stem like a fiend.

I exhaled with a shaky breath, quietly inching my way over to the door where my keys hung, and slipped out as quietly as I could, praying his crazy ass didn't hear me.

Once the front door had closed behind me, I ran to my car. And when I say ran, I mean ran. I felt like it was a shitty horror movie but instead of a deranged killer, it was my own tweaked-out boyfriend who was holed up in our apartment fighting with demons or aliens of the FBI, I don't know what he was seeing but fuck that.

Locking my car doors, I started my car, the music blaring because Krist kept it loud and turned that shit off, scared shitless that he was going to hear me and come me chase me down like Jason Voorhees.

Fuck and where was I gonna go? He fucking had a car now. The only person I felt safe running to was Madison.


And I had to pee so bad.

Fuck it. I had to go to Madi's, if he showed up, we just wouldn't open the door even if it meant him flipping out like the psycho he was.

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