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Shane and I spent a lot of time traveling around the Pacific Northwest. We went to Seattle a few times, Vancouver BC, all up and down the coast, everywhere. It was honestly one of the most fun times in my life and it was even better that he let Madi tag along too. He knew she and I were a package deal, and he was cool with that but the best part was that he wasn't even trying to be sexual about it like a lot of guys would, had zero interest in fucking Madison.

How do I know this? Well, we were drinking some sort of fruity pink cocktails and naked in the pool when I threw it out there that Madi and I occasionally liked to get down (wink wink) and asked him if he would want to watch or participate. He told me neither because all he needed was one-on-one with me. I mean, I'd happily have shared but it made me feel good he only was interested in me and it meant that it wasn't purely sex, or so I took it anyway.

It was mid-April, we were staying down in Lincoln City in this badass "adults-only" (not that kind of adults-only y'all) hotel. It was fucking nice. Private hot tub on the patio, king-size bed, whirlpool tub with an ocean view.

We had spent the day exploring the coast. Lincoln City has this cool little event they do where they hide these handmade glass balls all over the beach and people go hunting for them. Shane had found a beautiful one stashed carefully in a large log that had drifted to shore. It was a swirl of turquoise, orange, gold, and black.

"It's my lucky day," he grinned, placing it in my hand, "But I want you to have it."

I admired the delicate glass orb, smiling, "Ah, Shane, you should keep it," I told him, "You found it."

"Yes but you deserve it," he said, "I want you to keep it forever."

He wasn't going to take no for an answer so I nodded, cautiously tucking it into the front pocket of my oversized Lincoln City sweatshirt.

On the way back to the hotel, we stopped at the arcade where I whipped his ass at Skeeball but he brutalized me at some old-school sit-down PacMan. It was an overall good day, I felt like the old Lainey, and being with Shane made me question why I kept going back to Krist.

Afterward, we picked up two steaks and some veggies to grill up on the balcony and a six-pack of Elysian Space Dust. I got the veggies all wrapped in foil while Shane got the grill going. It felt like we were a real couple. I am not going to lie, it felt good. I vowed that this time, I wasn't going to fuck it up over some abusive asshole like I did with Jake.

I joined Shane out back, pouring us each a beer and adding an orange slice to our drinks. It was a little windy but fairly warm for being at the coast mid-spring, the sunset looked like sherbet ice. I wrapped my arms around Shane's tapered waist, resting my head between his shoulder blades, and inhaled his scent.

"You having a good time?" He asked me, holding my hands in his.

"I'm having the best time," I admitted.

Shane turned around to face me kissing me softly, "I always have the best time with you."

"Are you legit always this sweet?" I wanted to know.

He smiled bashfully, "I've always thought I came off as a bit of an asshole."

"Can it," I playfully swatted at him before he pinned my arms to the side and kissed me, "I see how it is."

Shane kissed me again before stopping abruptly, "Shit, I better check those steaks!"

Dinner was a little charted but good. I'm not a big steak eater or eater in general, but I ate everything on the plate. I washed up the dishes while he cleaned the grill and then FaceTimed Madi while I soaked in the bath with a glass of beer.

"Girl, I'm so freaking happy for you," she gushed, "You legit look healthy and your eyes look alive."

"Are you saying I looked dead-eyed and sickly?" I grinned.

"Maybe a little," Madison giggled, "But seriously, it's been way too long since I've seen you look like this. Have you forgotten about ol' Bitch Ass yet?"

"Well...up until you reminded me!" I said even though that wasn't entirely true. I thought about him all the time, maybe not constantly but he crossed my mind more than I would have preferred.

"My bad," Madison told me, "I better let you get back to your man, you should see if he has a cute friend for me too."

"I'll find out," I assured you, "Love you, babes!"

I sat my phone down on the floor, turned the jets on in the tub, and finished my beer. It was wild to me that like a year ago, I'd been fucking old white dudes for money and here I was not on meth with a cute guy who treated me like a princess even though he wasn't technically my boyfriend, things felt like they were finally turning around for me.

When the water started to feel lukewarm and my fingertips were wrinkly, I decided it was time to get out. I dried myself, slipping into an oversized Furby (yes the toy) sleep shirt and a pair of My Melody Boy short panties, and made my way into the living room of the hotel room.

Shane was sitting on the sofa, laughing to himself as he watched American Dad. I plopped down next to him, swinging my legs onto his lap and burrowing my face into him.

"You smell good," he remarked, brushing my hair behind my ear, "Like strawberries...and vanilla."

"Good guess," I told him, slipping my arms around his broad shoulders...and then getting him in a headlock.

"What the fuck?" He laughed, trying to wrestle me off. He was obviously stronger than I was and didn't need to try too hard.

The next thing I knew we were on the plush carpet in an all-out wrestling match. Shane had me pinned beneath me as I kicked out, trying to free myself. I managed to get my legs out from beneath him, twisting my body and reversing his hold so that I was ass up, wriggling out of his hold.

"I like this position," he told me, reaching for my ass.

"I bet you do," I told him laughing, shimmying my shoulders free and allowing him to re-pin me on my back, our breath coming in ragged unison.

"Can I ask you an honest question?" Shane began, my wrists pinned next to my head.


He released my wrists rolling onto the floor beside me, "Would you tell me if you liked me for me or because...of...other things?"

"Shane...Of course, I like you for you, Madi was literally just saying that she hasn't seen me this happy in forever and that you've been good for me. I think that too."

"You promise?"

"Pinky promise."

Shane was someone who had zero reason to doubt that people cared for him but he did and I couldn't understand why. He was sweet, fun, caring, super cute. But with all that, he couldn't fight off the doubts that he was genuinely liked and it made me sad.

I snuggled into him, "I like you a lot, Shane."

He looked at me with his soft hazel eyes, "I like you a lot too. A lot, a lot."

Shane kissed me again softly, fitting himself between my thighs. We just kissed for what felt like forever, grinding pelvises together like we were in high school. I had my leg over his ass, encouraging him to grind harder.

"I want you in me," I whispered between kisses.

He pulled off my panties and removed his thick cock from his board shorts, guiding it into me with a gasp. I lifted my hips and wrapped my thighs around him, urging him deep as his balls slapped my ass.

"You feel so damn good," he sighed, his breath hot on my neck.

I closed my eyes, breathing out, "You do too."

"Can I come in you?" He wanted to know.

"'Mm-hmm," I murmured, feeling his thrusts quickening and getting deeper. He gave out a soft grunt, his cock buried deep inside of me and pulsing as he shot his semen into my womb. I tightened my legs around him as I brought his face closer to me so I could kiss him.

"I've been meaning to ask you, Lainey," he began, kissing me again.

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