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"I can't believe you got a cat," Krist complained as we got back tothe apartment.

I scooped Scooter up, "Why are you such a hater?"

He sniffed the air, "Yo, you even the clean the fuckin' cat box?"

I'll admit, I hadn't but seriously, why did he have to immediately start nitpicking the moment he walked in the door.

"Do you also want to point out how dirty my apartment is, too?"

Krist rolled his eyes, "I mean, I figured you knew that already."

I sat down in my chair, "Shut up."

He began making the bed, I wanted to tell him to stop but whatever, have at it Krist. He took his shoes and hoody off, neatly setting them aside before lying down on his back, propped up on his elbow.

"I hope you didn't come over just for sex," I warned him.

Krist groaned, "Really, Lainey? If I wanted to fuck, there's plenty of females out there who ain't gonna give me even half the headache you do."

"Gee, thanks," I rolled my eyes.

He clicked his tongue at me, "Always with the attitude, bro," Krist laughed, "So you gonna come over here or naw?"

"I'm gonna go with naw," I flashed him a huge smile, "Better ask me nicely."

Krist rolled his eyes, trying his best to look annoyed but the slight smile on his lips gave him away. Giving an exaggerated sigh, I got up and made my way to the bed, lying down beside him on my side.

"You miss me or your other broads just busy?" I joked, sort of anyway.

"Bruh...I'm gonna smack the shit out of you if you keep it up with the jokes."

"I am gonna assume that's a yes and you miss the crap outta me," I grinned, lying on my back.

Krist crawled on top of me, "Yes, I missed you and your crazy ass," he smiled before kissing me gently on the mouth, his tongue slipping between my lips. I kissed him back hungrily. It had only been a few days but I wanted him bad.


Krist stepped outside to smoke weed once we finished and cleaned ourselves. I started tidying the apartment just because the bomb-ass dicking had put me in a good mood and I was feeling a bit more energetic.

I scooped the litterbox and bagged up trash, heading downstairs to the dumpster area, noting Krist out with the lame-ass wannabe thugs that he liked for some reason. There was a chick in the group, laughing at something he said. I had to check myself, remembering we weren't actually together and he could talk to females even if it made me seethe down to my core.

"Baby," he called out, motioning for me.

I walked over, and he wrapped his arms around me, taking the blunt from his mouth, and kissing the side of my face, "Love you," he told me.

I melted a little bit, nothing better than having your man, or in my case my not man, announcing that he loves you in front of other people.

I wrapped his arms tighter around me, resting my head back on his chest, enjoying the feel of his body against mine.

Krist shared his weed with his douchey group of apartment friends, war-storying about drugs and dumb shit they did.

After he finished the blunt, he kissed the side of my face again, suggesting we go back inside. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, giving props to his homeboys before we left. He gave me another one of his lazy stoned smiles, ugh. He was freaking cute.

Dope-free Krist was also hella sweet and what made me not completely hate him. Yes, in our short relationship he had done some fucked up shit to me and could be an evil bastard but always when he was tweaking. Which sucked because we both loved dope.

I'd been clean since he had taken off and he'd been mostly clean himself so I was feeling optimistic about the future.

"Looks good in here, baby," he told me, giving me an appreciative smack on the ass.

I grinned, "I mean, it's not done obviously."

"Aye, it's a start," he said, "I can help you."

"Thank you, doll," I smiled.

Krist and I spent the next few hours listening to Bones and deep-cleaning my pigsty. We had the place looking good by bedtime.

"You wanna take me back to Jeordie's?" he asked suddenly, causing my heart to drop.

"Oh...you to go home?"

Krist laughed, grabbing me by the waist, "I just need to grab my shit so I can bring it back here."

A huge smile spread across my face, "Sooo...does that mean we are back together?"

"Unless some rich old broad swoops in, yes," he kissed me on the top of the head.

I playfully slapped him, "Shut the fuck up."

"Don't worry, I'll have her buy you something nice," he grinned.


We showed up to Jeordie and Cami's around ten to pack his things up. When Krist told them what his plan was the two just nodded slowly and said "Okayyyy..." which was said plenty, though I'm sure had Krist been alone Cami would have told him how dumb she thought it was.

I kind of liked Cami but her mouth got under my skin. She called it being honest or blunt but I thought she was rude. Also, knowing she'd messed around with Krist grossed me out too. Like, Cami wasn't all that cute and it wasn't even because of her weight, it was her face and her gapped teeth, her clothes, and her attitude. Ok, so I didn't like her at all.

Jeordie was cool but Cami...barf.

Oh, and get this. In addition to her and Krist having sex, he once time told me she taught him how to go down on chicks, that he had no idea what he was doing until her.

Don't get me wrong, I love that he knows how to please a woman but I permanently had the image of his face between her legs burnt into the back of my brain. Fucking gross. Again, I loved Krist but he was capable of being disgusting.

We packed his belongings up which were just clothes, some hygiene stuff, and a couple of spiral notebooks he would draw in when he tweaked. Kind of sad really but it was what it was.

"See you when you come back in a few weeks," Cami called as we left.

"Shut up," Jeordie told her, I secretly applauded him for his support.


"There was something I meant to ask you when you were here last," I said to Krist as we sat on the bed eating ramen and watching old episodes of South Park. He looked at me as though bracing himself for my question. "Remember when you blocked me from your Facebook because I was talking shit on your live?"

"Which time?" he wanted to know.

"The last time," I told him.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Those girls in the car with you and Fernando, did you fuck with either of them?"

"Fernando was messing with the one with the tits and the other one, I don't know what her deal was but to answer your question, no. Didn't mess with neither of them," he chuckled, "Bro, even if I wanted to, I was way too high. Like my nuts were straight sucked up in my balls."

My face tightened, "So you at least thought about then."

"No, not even. I just know my shit was sucked up that night." I studied his face, trying to determine if he was telling the truth or not. A look of annoyance flashed on his face, "Lainey, please don't start this shit. Past is the past anyway."

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