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Well...My dumb ass caught feelings for Fernando and he ended up deciding maybe the whole hook-up thing between us was not meant to be. I didn't come out directly and tell him I was feeling some kind of way about him but he could definitely pick up on it. It was no biggie though, no hard feelings. Fernando was a player and upfront about it.

"Your man be missing you," he told me as he slipped his feet into his blue Nike Cortezs, pulling his socks up to his knobby knees.

"Why? Did he tell you that?" I asked him, sitting cross-legged on the bed, Scooter in my lap.

"Naw, he ain't got to say it. Foo keeps on talking about you nonstop when I see him," Fernando said.

"He doesn't know that..we...?"

"No, I ain't gonna say nada about that to him, he don't need to know."

Fernando stood in front of the mirror, chest out, head tilted back, smoothing down the front of his button-down shirt and khakis, his heels nearly touching and angled out in an unnatural, I guess like prison, gangstery cholo pose?

"Why do you stand that way?" I wanted to know.

He straightening his collar, "Psh, why you gotta be asking question, Lainey?" he smiled, showing his gold teeth.

"Was just curious," I replied, scratching Scooter on the magical spot right in front of his tail. Scooter purred, arching his butt up in the air, "You nasty lil thing." I laughed, watching Fernando primp himself in front of the mirror.

"You're worse than a girl, you know that?"

He looked at me over his shoulder, "Why, because I like to look good?"

"When was the last time you seen Bitch Ass?" I asked, when he gave me a confused look, I corrected myself, "Krist? When did you see him last?"

Fernando thought for a moment, still eyefucking himself in my mirror, "Sheeeit, couple days ago."

"Was he with anyone?" I wanted to know.

"He was with a couple people, Ion even know who because I never seen them before," he replied.

When I opened my mouth to pry some more, Fernando shut me down, "And I ain't even gonna say nothing else because I ain't know nothing else."

Fernando clicked his tongue at me before kicking back a small sack of dope, "Imma bounce out, be good, yo."


I would be lying if I said I didn't kind of cry when Fernando left. I really don't know what I was upset about, Fernando and me were just sex but he still knew how to get a girl hooked on him. Ugh, his freaking bedroom eyes and the way he licked his lips...and other things.

There was no drama fucking with him either, although I think we didn't have issues because there was no commitment. I knew he had problems with his wife occasionally and sometimes other females would trip out on him but he never brought nothing to me but good vibes.

Krist might have been better in bed but that mother fucker stressed me out like nobody's business, always drama with him. I can't say it was him single-handedly causing problems because we, together, were both toxic.

I debated on calling or texting him but decided against it, I was going to be strong, independent and not go back to him.

Of course after a long, lonely bubble bath, I found myself looking at his Facebook profile and went through his newest pictures to see who was heart reacting his photos and leaving thirsty comments.

It didn't look like he was talking to that Ashley chick any longer. Good? I did note that there were a few new girls on his page that I didn't know. Veronica Mays, Georgia Sprauer, Gina Mortenson...oh and that hoe that lived in my apartments, the blond girl that Krist swore he didn't like. Brittany Blevins.

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