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That mother fucker tried to lie to me for a day and a half about getting high and didn't come clean about it until I half-jokingly said "Let's hit up Fernando for a sack." He looked at me with this stupid grin like "You serious right now?" and I was like, "Yeah babe, let's get down on some shit."

Krist hurried into the bathroom all merrily and came out with the dope pipe he'd stashed in his shaving kit, "We don't even have to hit him up, I already got some."

"No shit, Krist, I fucking knew you did. Why did you lie?"

"I just thought you were trying to quit," he told me, handing me his black-bottomed dope pipe.

I was but fuck it if he wasn't trying to be clean and I wasn't planning on going anywhere. He let me smoke the rest of his dope to be "nice". It was garbage, dirty shit and it didn't help that his piece was all gross anyway.

"Who did you even get this off of?" I asked, crinkling my nose as I looked at the ugly brown residue left inside his bowl.

"Your lil homie," Krist laughed.

I cocked my head, "Who is my homie?"

"Jonathan," he grinned knowing all good and well that I hate that asshole piece of shit.

"Ugh, go figure. He never gets anything good," I said, dabbing my face with a Kleenex, it was already feeling oily and dirty as hell, "Call Fernando up, babe."

"Why you tryna su...," he stopped himself before saying it, "Yeah I'll hit him up," Krist rose from the floor, pulled a shirt on over his head, and dipped outside to smoke while he made a call.

I peeked out the window that overlooked the parking lot to see who he was out there with because I still didn't trust his ass with that hoodrat Brittany. I saw the usual wannabe gangsters out with him and then Brittany bouncing down the stairs in a tight pink shirt and too-small pants that showed her muffin top.

I didn't want her feeling like I viewed her as a threat so I chilled against the window sill, petting Scooter, watching Krist's attention immediately go to her. How fucking dumb was this mother fucker?

I wasn't sure if he even had called Fernando so I decided to hit him up myself only to find it go straight to voicemail. That was unlike him. I tried a second time before dialing *67 to call him, maybe he'd blocked me? And straight to voicemail again. His Facebook page hadn't been active in a few days either. That either meant his phone was out of service. Unlikely....or he was locked up.

He wasn't on the Clark County roster so I checked Multnomah, and sure enough, there was our boy, Fernando Serafin Hernandez. I hadn't known his middle name but thought it sounded pretty good. Kinda exotic.

His mugshot looked hella burnt out like he'd been on a few-day run. Charges were possession with attempt to distribute, go figure and a fugitive charge. No bail, no release.

Whomp whomp, guess he wouldn't be around any time soon. My heart was a little sad to think about that, I was gonna miss him. Honestly, if I wasn't with Krist, I would have written him but I figured that would be all bad.

I shot my baby a text with a screenshot of Fernando's mug on that jail roster with a little sad face. "We have to find someone else that isn't Jonathan," I wrote.

We had gotten spoilt with Fernando, he always had the good dope and was always available. Except when he wasn't.

I called Madi and asked if she had any hookups. She of course said Fernando so I had to relay that he was in jail soooo now what are we ever gonna do. And then K remembered Versace. I know Krist didn't like him but I felt like Krist liked drugs enough to overlook that minor detail.

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