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Krist quietly cleaned up the spill outside the front door, returning with the half-filled Slurpee and flowers, "You want these?"

Taking them from his hand, I tossed the Slurpee but kept the flowers. I felt bad keeping them but even worse throwing them away.

I felt so dang bad about hurting Jake. This was completely my fault, why did I tell Krist to come in? I freaking knew what was going to happen but I was so thirsty and stupid over him.

"You alright?" Krist acted, rubbing the back of his neck.

I shrugged.

He pulled on his shirt and shoes, "Did you know he was going to be over?"

"No, absolutely not," I told him. Krist gave me a doubtful look, he didn't believe me. "I really didn't!"

Krist shook his head in disbelief, "I find that hard to believe, bro. I don't know what the fuck you hoped would happen, like did you hope that I'm gonna fight this dude or something?"

I stared at him, wide-eyed, mouth open, unable to find the words I was searching for.

"I hate these little games you play, just like you sending me them videos. That's fucked up, Lainey, hella fucked up. Yeah, I got my jealousy issues and shit but I'm not 'bout to fight some little dorky guy over you. I ain't gonna fight nobody over no broads, you got me fucked up."

"Krist, that isn't even what I was trying to do! I didn't even know Jake was coming over here."

Krist clicked his tongue, "Yeah, ok."

"Where are you going?" I wanted to know.

"Back to Jeordie's," he replied, picking up the bag set out for him and walked towards the door.

"So you aren't staying?" I could feel myself becoming upset

Krist reached for the doorknob, "Wasn't planning on it."

"You're such a piece of shit," I hissed through clenched teeth.

"Me? You're the one who got caught fucking around on ol' boy," he scoffed, "I don't have a commitment to nobody, you're the trifling ass here."

"You're just as bad as me, you could have said no, ya know?"

Krist began to laugh, like really laugh, "Bro, for real now. If you were so damn concerned about this poor dude's feelings you shouldn't have even put me in a spot to tell you no. You're hella dumb."

"You knew I had a boyfriend though!"

"And you knew you had one, too! Don't be trying to pin this on me when it was you who wanted me to come in and you who initiated shit with me," a hurt look flickered across his face briefly but was replaced with a cocky smirk, "I just wanted to get my fuckin' nut off."

That mother fucker...I charged him, open palm slapping the side of his head so quickly that he hadn't been able to get out of the way. Krist put his arm up to block me so I kicked him in the back of the thigh as hard as I could. He was able to grab my wrists, restraining me.

"Yo, this kind of shit right here is why I can't fuckin' be with you, Lainey," he said calmly, "Something ain't right in your head, dawg. And you said you been clean? So you ain't even got a reason to be acting crazy, bro."

I let my body relax for a moment, "So, you just came in to have sex?" Tears stung my eyes.

He was quiet for a moment, "I don't know why the fuck I came in," he finally said before slipping out the front door.

Scooter affectionately rubbed against my ankle, I picked him up and kissed the top of his head, trying not to cry.

I felt sad for Jake, super sad for him to be honest. Angry with Krist for leaving after he participated in causing this mess and sorry for myself.

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