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By the the first week of December Krist and I had managed to break up again. I don't recall exactly what led up to it beyond him being on his weird shit again. I had told him just to take a few Flexeril and go to bed which he took as me wanting to drug him so I could sneak and fuck other dudes. I may have commented back about the only person looking to fuck other dudes was him and that set off a chain reaction of fun.

He started throwing shit, breaking things, and acting like an all-around psycho. The neighbors next door had called the police because they thought he was beating me, which he wasn't.

Nothing happened beyond the police making sure I was not hurt and then asking who he could call the come get him. We ran through his entire contact list until his sister picked up and agreed to swing by to get him.

He called me a couple of days later, hella emotional, to tell me that he didn't see things with us getting better, that he needed to focus on sobriety and bettering himself. Basically, he felt like I was dragging him down. There wasn't anything I could do but agree with him even though it seemed like he was blaming me for the problems he'd had when I met him but whatever. Typical Krist.

The holidays were depressing, Madison and I hung out Christmas Eve and felt sorry for ourselves, and then went to my Mom's house for Christmas brunch the next day. She sent us off with gift cards to the salon so we could get our hair and nails done and gave me a five-hundred-dollar gift card to Ulta. No cash which was a bummer.

The day after Christmas, Madi and I went to get our hair and nails done. Madi got a trim and highlights added to her caramel brown hair. I had my actual hair bleached to a platinum blond with baby pink extensions underneath, not gonna lie it was cute as fuck.

Afterward, we hit up Ulta for some makeup, went tanning, got coffee, and went home to make some content for the OnlyFans. Yay?

When Madi left, I was lonely as hell and more so after looking at Krist's Facebook to see he had been tagged in a photo of his sister, her boyfriend, and some chick named Ashley Lopez with the caption "Double Date".

I hated that Ashley was super freaking pretty and that she and Bitch Ass looked cute together. I snooped at her profile, she described herself as being "Blaxican".  Ashley was slender with nice curves and kind of a boho/hippie vibe. She had near flawless honey brown skin, with dark, slightly upturned eyes and a wide smile. Her light brown hair was shoulder length, in tight curls.

I swiped through several of her photos, noting that Krist had hearted several of them and even had commented on a few of them while we were together which felt like another gut punch.

There were pictures of them together, he was actually smiling and looked happy. I wondered how they met but ended up finding my answer when I came across a photo Kali had uploaded from high school, it was of the three of them. Krist must have been a freshman, he looked young as fuck, holding a skateboard outside of his mom's with Kali and Ashley.

So Kali had set them up it appeared.

He also had apparently got a job at Amazon in the few weeks he'd been gone and his mom got him a car. Maybe I really had been holding him back?

With Krist apparently doing super great without me and myself feeling hella down, I decided to hit Fernando up for dope with the intention of discovering what was so good that had all these hoes in a fuss over him.

He told me he was on the way over which ended up being close to four hours because Fernando ran on tweaker time.

I took my time getting ready, I wanted to look and smell good when he got there. I showered, shaved my cat, regretting the fact that I had gotten Krist's name on it.  I did my makeup and dressed in an oversized sweater with Cheer Bear on it and black leggings, anxiously waiting for Fernando to arrive.

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