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I slept through the bulk of the whole ordeal, waking to occasionally eat something, clean myself up, take sleeping pills, and go back to sleep, not that I needed them because I was mentally and physically exhausted from everything.

Krist was still donating plasma for dope and just getting high without me to my dismay. He ended up back on his weird shit, this time convinced that his mom and I were plotting to kill him for his life insurance money? Come the fuck on, Krist, nobody has insurance money on you, be so fucking for real.

So when he started acting a fool, I pulled up Facebook Live as he ranted all kinds of hateful shit at me for scheming on him, the whole while I'm fucking recovering from an abortion.

"This is what I have to deal with yall," I said, turning the camera to face Krist who was tweaking on an already scraped pipe, mumbled some shit to himself.

Looking back, I'm not sure why I bothered because it made me look just as bad. There is me in my trashed, smelly apartment while my boyfriend is geeked the hell out, full psychosis, trying to smoke dope that ain't even there. No wonder I got all the shitty comments from people.

Krist had set his pipe down, staring at me with black eyes, palms on the table, "You think I don't see what you're doing?" He asked flatly. To someone who didn't know the full situation, they'd assume that he meant my recording him. He meant the whole assassination for insurance money plot his mom and I were up to. Insert eye roll here.

"What am I doing, Krist?" I asked him.

He held his phone up, that black look lingering on his face. Dope psychosis, heck even psychosis psychosis, is a trip to see. I could be imagining it but I swear on everything, on my baby boy Scooter, that it will contort the face of the person experiencing the psychosis, they don't look like them anymore because they aren't them. Like y'all see that 80s flick Lost Boys and how their faces turned when they were vampires? That is what it reminded me of. It didn't change real-life people's faces like that but nonetheless, that's how I saw it.

"It's all right here," he told me, tapping on the case of his phone.

"And what is that?"

An evil laugh escaped from his lips, "Everything, he replied.

As this was going on, I saw Cami comment on my live that she and Jeordie were headed over to get Krist, pleading with me to stay on the live and not to antagonize him in any way. It felt like victim blaming if I'm being honest, I know she meant well but it sure the heck seemed like she thought Krist beat my ass because of me.

"It's unlocked," I said to the live so that she would know they could just walk in.

And that's what got it going. He set his phone down on the table before disappearing into the bathroom, when he came out his face was blank, like he wasn't in there.

Well fuck.

He stood next to our dresser that doubled as an entertainment stand like some kind of campy 80s horror villain. And then he grabbed the TV and threw it at me. I should have known better than to just sit there like an idiot because I knew he was going to do something but at the same time, I had felt like if I got up or moved, he was going to trip.

I was able to move out of the way, getting hit in the shoulder. Thankfully it wasn't an old-school box set.

"What the hell!" I yelled at him, bolting off the bed.

Our apartment was tiny so it wasn't like I could get far before he reached me. Regardless, I did my best to stay on my feet and away from any walls because the instant he could pin me, he'd start with his strangling shit.

Soooo I did what anybody would do, I grabbed the first thing I could to protect myself. A freaking hair straightener. Best believe I used that shit like a bullwhip. The sound of the cord flying swishing the air at a hundred miles an hour made a hiss before it struck him right across the face.

"Oh shit!" I said, horrified, I wasn't sure if it was the fear of what he would do or the shock at what I had just done, "Oh my god, I am so sorry!"

Krist stood there stunned, a welt across his cheeks and nose. And then he started crying. Like all-out sobbing, wanting to know why I did that.

"Because you're a freaking psycho!" I told him, "Like Jesus fucking Christ, Krist."

On a whim, I opened the storage closet, pulled out his duffel bag, and began shoving his few belongings into it while he wept like a child in timeout. That particular day I was so done and over his bullshit. I was by any means perfect but he just needed to go.

"Bro, what the fuck!" he kept repeating before his tears turned into rage. He tried to wrench the bag from my hands, and both of us engaged in a tug of war. When my hands lost their grip, I fell backward landing on my ass.

Here we go.

I was able to scramble to my feet just in time for him to open hand slap me in the head like he was a female while I tried to block him with one of my forearms, clawing at his face with my other hand, enraging him further. He clocked me in the face not once, but twice.
The next thing I knew, Jeordie and Cami were screaming at him to stop, trying to pull him away. He got me one more time, this time blood gushed from my mouth.

That mother fucker knocked my tooth out.

"Get him out of here!" cami yelled to Jeordie, "Krist what the fuck is wrong with you?"

I swung at Krist, barely connecting.

Cami jerked me back by the shirt, "Honey, you aren't helping."

Krist was trying to fight Jeordie, throwing all kinds of accusations out about the insurance scheme, that he was sleeping with me but it felt like Krist at that moment wasn't realizing who he was fighting. Jeordie was able to talk him down and lead him to the door as Cami helped Me locate my missing tooth.

It took a few minutes but the tooth was found, she had me put in milk and told me to call my dentist.


My tooth was able to be saved, thank fucking god. The downside was I had to call my mom to have her come pay the bill. Of course, she was livid and tried to convince me to press charges on Krist which wasn't happening. He wasn't in his right frame of mind at the time and when he was, he was never violent.

I returned home that night with a prescription of hydrocodone that I had zero intention of taking, I planned on saving it to trade for dope if I decided to get some. I packed the rest of Krist's things, crying to myself and listening to Eminem and Rhianna's "Love the Way You Lie" (both parts) on repeat.

Cami came to collect his things, telling me she was proud of me for putting my foot down and cutting him off. She admitted to me that after this, she had zero intention of helping him anymore and had told Jeordie that if he wanted to enable Krist, he could do that somewhere else. Krist had burnt his bridges with everyone in his life it seemed, including me.

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