New Place

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Everything is unexpected--is what I've always been told. Even as a young child, I was told countless times to expect the unexpected. It used to annoy me. Hell, I always groaned in annoyance whenever somebody told me that. I've heard it too many times to count. Yet, I never thought in a million years--no matter how many times I've been told the same thing--that I would wake up in a cartoonish world filled with bright and vibrant colors.

My body hit the ground with a loud thud. My head was pounding as adrenaline ran through my veins. I tried to open my eyes, yet everything was so blurry that it was hard to focus properly.

"W-Who's that?" A female voice gasped. I slowly sat up as my vision eventually regained itself. I looked at the circus-themed character's in front of me--clearly dumbfounded.

"What the hell?" I muttered under my breath. "Where am I...?"

"My, my!" A loud and booming voice yelled out. "Looks like another human has entered this realm!"

I raised an eyebrow, staring at...something. Someone? I don't know. All I know is that it has teeth as a head and eyes in it's mouth.

"Oh, so there's another character to keep track of? Seriously? There's too many 'new characters' nowadays," A purple rabbit huffed. He crossed his arms, and his eyes squinted toward my direction.

"That means more friends!" The teeth-guy cheered. Does this guy always yell? "My name is Caine, and I'm your ringleader here in this circus!"

"U-Um...w-what am I doing here, exactly?" I wondered.

"You're here because you're the new edition to this circus! Isn't that exciting?"

My eyes widened. Expect the unexpected. Dammit. Well, I certainly didn't expect THIS of all things!

"It's going to be okay," A doll-looking girl chuckled. "We've all been through this before. It can be jarring, but we'll make sure you feel safe and at home in this digital world!"

"H-Home? Isn't there a way to--you know--escape?" I asked. There was an odd silence, until the purple bunny decided to speak.

"You can't! You're stuck here forever! Better get used to it, newbie."

"Jax! Be more nicer," The doll girl hissed. The bunny character--who's apparently Jax--simply laughed.

"What? Want me to lie to the new kid?"

"ANYWAYS, let me show you around the digital circus!" Caine exclaimed as he grabbed my arm. Suddenly we were pulled out of the tent faster than damn lightening.

"This is the TENT!" Caine exclaims while pointing to the circus tent we just left. "This is where your living quarters are, and where activities take place! These activities include--"

Caine paused, his eyes started glitching out, as a computer dial up started playing.

"Uh--" I stuttered. Caine then snapped back to reality.

"Ball pits, mini golf, and more!" Caine exclaimed.

"Oh?" I muttered to myself. Caine pulled us outwards a bit more.

"Now, this is the GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake, or engage in ridery at the digital carnival! Night, day, it's all okay! The choice is yours, a cosmic buffet!"

"Drown?" I gasped. Caine seemed to ignore my shocked response with a shrug. "Um...don't mean to pester, but is this all that there is...?"

"Of course not!" Caine yelped as he pulled me further out. "This is the VOID! We...don't venture out into the void. Not even I know what's out there."

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