Christmas Special! *continuation*

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The sled eventually made it to the end of the snowy slope. It landed next to Jax, who was still trying to get out of the snow I flung him into. I stifled a laugh.

"Are you just going to sit there or can you help me out a bit?" Jax snapped.

"Fine, fine," I sighed. I got off of my sled and grabbed Jax's hand. I pulled him out of the deep snow and he brushed his overalls off from the fluffy snow.

"God, how deep is that snow?" Jax groaned. I realized I was still holding Jax's hand, so I let go as fast as I could before Jax noticed.

"I dunno," I chuckled. "Kinda funny how you were waste-deep in that snow."

Jax glared at me and frowned. "You're the worst."

"Thank you," I sarcastically remarked. I grabbed my sled and went back to the top of the snowy mountain, not looking back at Jax's confused expression.

After a few rounds of sledding, Caine started speaking.

"Let's go inside everybody and let's turn on our daily Christmas movie!!" Caine yells out. My heart started racing with excitement as I trotted to the tent, forgetting to bring my sled inside. I could care less, since I knew somebody else would bring it in for me.

"What movie will we be watching?" I asked Caine.

"Well, one movie from the outside world I was able to download into this digital world is Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer, so we'll be watching that while drinking hot cocoa made by Bubble!"

"Ooh sounds fun!" I exclaimed. Caine smiled at my enthusiasm. Soon everybody else made it inside the tent.

"D-Do we a movie and stuff on Christmas too?" Pomni wondered to nobody in particular.

"Yep! It's usually a way to relax before nighttime," Ragatha explained.

"That's neat," I replied. Soon we made it to the "living room" area of the tent. We decorated it yesterday to make it look like a homey living room, even if it was in this colorful tent. A leather couch that Kinger bought, a TV that Zooble bought, and a fireplace that (somehow) Jax bought. I guess without a money limit, some people went a bit crazy with their shopping.

We all sat down on the leather couch as Caine turned on the movie on the TV and Bubble gave us all hot cocoa.

"Thanks Bubble!" I exclaimed as I took my hot cocoa cup.

"No problem, darling!" Bubble taunted as Caine popped him once he said the word "darling."

"D-Don't mind Bubble, he can be a bit weird. He's a parasite," Caine hissed.

"Don't be mean to Bubble. I find it kinda funny," I sighed.

"You do? Even though it's annoying?" Caine gasped.

"I wouldn't say it's annoying. More like comedic relief than anything."

Caine thought for a moment before sighing. "Maybe you're right..."

With that, Caine disappeared and he let me enjoy the rest of the movie with the others. Though, something was bothering me. I just didn't know what it was. Even if I was watching a movie, drinking hot cocoa, and enjoying spending time with my friends, I still felt homesick. I just want to see my family...or at least, to say one last goodbye...but now I know that'll never happen.

~Back at home~

"Mommy? Will Y/N be here for the holidays?" Y/N's sister wondered, with her big glassy eyes. The Mother sighed and ruffled her daughters hair.

"I don't know, sweetie. She's an adult now. Maybe she's doing her own thing. We should just let it be, okay? She'll come if she wants to come."

The Mother knew something that this poor girl didn't--Y/N has cut ties with them. She didn't know if it was purposeful, or by accident somehow, but Y/N hasn't answered her own Mother's calls. Or her Father's calls. Or even her Grandmother, which she used to respond to. Nothing. The whole town has been wondering where Y/N went. She hasn't been seen ever since December 6th, 2023.

Y/N has simply disappeared. No trace of her. She even left her cat--hungry and alone--in the house. That isn't like her. At least, that was her Mother's thought process. Luckily the Grandmother took the cat into her house and is doing fine...but Y/N isn't here. And her Mother doubted that Y/N would be here for Christmas. There's just no way.

"I miss her," Y/N's sister sighed. The Mother looked at the tears that were falling from her daughter's eyes.

"Me too."

~Back at the digital circus~

The movie was eventually over, and I finished drinking my hot cocoa. Caine turned off the TV and took our mugs.

"Did you guys enjoy the movie??" Caine wondered.

"It's the same movie once a year. What do you think our answer is?" Jax groaned. He got up from his seat. "Seriously, is there any other movie you can 'download' to this digital world?"

"Trust me, I've tried...but nothing works besides this movie," Caine explained. Even Caine looked a bit bummed by this fact, but then he smiled again. "But don't worry! Next year, I'll try to find a better movie for us to watch! Even if it isn't Christmas related."

"You don't have to try this hard. It's fine," I reassured him.

"Yeah, but I'm bored with the same damn movie," Jax growled. "So I'm counting on you to download a different movie."

"Alright, alright. I won't disappoint you guys!" Caine exclaimed.

"You won't disappoint us," Ragatha reassures Caine. "Whatever movie next year you end up downloading will be great!"

"Thanks, Ragatha."

"No problem!"

"I guess you guys can do whatever you want now, okay?" Caine tells us.

"Already one step ahead of you," Jax stated as he left the room.

"Geez. He's such an a[%$#@]hole," Zooble huffed.

"Agreed," Pomni sighed. I let the others talk as I left the room. I decided to head back to my room, since I was very tired after a long and eventful day. I went into my room and plopped down onto the bed. I closed my eyes and slowly lost consciousness...


Hey guys! I like how this chapter turned out, so I hope you enjoyed reading it! It did take a while to write, but I tried my best!! With that being said, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, and I tried my best! ^^

-Sincerely, CB

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