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I don't remember when I dozed off, but suddenly I opened my eyes and there was heavy knocking at my door. I begrudgingly sat up and went over to the door. I rubbed my eyes a bit and straightened my hair with my fingers before opening the door.

"Hm?" I hummed. It was Caine, and he seemed to be smiling.

"Hello Y/N! Go into the main room! We'll be doing our show and adventure, like usual!!"

With that being said, he disappears. I take a deep breath as I closed the door behind me, heading over to the main stage.

"Now that everybody's here, let's start the show! But first, Y/N, what trick are you going to do, using my magic??"

"Wait, you gave that bozo magic?" Jax scoffed.

"She's been handling it quite well!" Caine chuckled. I smirked.

"You'll see. It'll be a surprise. But Pomni knows my trick, don't you?"

Pomni nodded, smiling ear-to-ear.

"Ohh! Well, I'm excited to see what you do!! Get in your places everyone!"

Everybody gets in their area. I'm in between Jax and Pomni. Jax simply glances in my direction and grins, while Pomni gives me a reassuring smile. I flash a reassuring smile back to her. The theme song started playing once again...

"Welcome to The Amazing Digital Circus! My name is Caine. I'm your ringmaster and I'm here to show you the most jaw-dropping, heart stopping, mind-bending paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon! Isn't that right, Bubble?"

"That's right, Caine! I can't wait to see what you've got cooking up for today," Bubble exclaimed.

"Well, let's not waste any time! Let's get right into the show!" Caine yelped as he pulled the curtain down. Music started playing...

Gangle, and Zooble, and Kinger too!

Ragatha, Jax, Y/N, and there's Pomni, woo-hoo!

Day after, day after- Day after- Day after day we fly!

Past the moon and the sun and we don't know why!!

"First, we have Gangle with her comedy acts!!"

Per usual, Gangle does her comedy acts, Zooble juggles, Kinger builds his impenetrable fortress, Ragatha dances, Jax does his acrobat skills, and then it was my turn.

The spot light shined on my face as everybody was watching me--eager to see what my trick is. I glanced at Pomni who gave me a thumbs up, though she also seemed nervous for me. What if I mess up? Just take deep breaths, Y/N, you're fine...

While trying to quickly calm myself down, I jumped and gracefully floated to the top of the platform. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, reopened them, trying to position myself in a way where I won't fall on my face, and I leaped off of the platform.

I gripped the bar swing, the highest one, and did a couple "loops" while gripping the swing carefully. Eventually I let go of the swing, and threw myself off of the bar swing. I did a couple flips while in the air, and once I was close enough to the ground, I floated carefully to the stage.

Everybody's mouth was agape, even Pomni, who I swear probably thought I was going to fail.

"That was...amazing!!" Caine exclaimed. I smiled cheekily as I stepped to the side, so Pomni can do her trick now. I gave her a thumbs up like she did with me, hoping that she wouldn't go flying into a pile of boxes like last time.

She climbed to the top of the highest platform, jumped off, did a few flips while she hit the trampoline. While in the air, she stretched her body out so she landed on the floor--on her feet--just in time. She landed on the ground successfully.

"You did it Pomni!! Amazing job!" Caine cheered as the lights turned back on. "This show was a success, everybody! Y/N, you did a great job! I loved the circus act you showed us, and making it a surprise was certainly worthwhile!"

"Yeah, it was great!" Ragatha agreed. I smiled sweetly.

"Thanks!" I exclaimed.

"Eh. It wasn't my favorite. My acrobat skills are better, and more authentic."

I glared at him as I used my magic to hold him in the air.

"Say that again, and you get flung across the room," I stated. Jax's pupils dilated in fear for a split second before his expression turned smug again.

"Oh really? A sweetheart like you would never do that to m--" Before he even finished his sentence, I flung him across the room. He ran into the wall extremely hard.

"Who's the acrobat now?" I taunted. Everybody started laughing in amusement as Jax stood up, extremely shaken.

"You are such a bi[%$#@]," Jax hissed. I simply smiled mischievously.

"You're welcome. Now you know what happens what you mess with me, you jacka[%$#@]."

"No swearing!!" Caine ordered.

"Sorry, sorry," I apologized.

"I'm not sorry," Jax huffed as he stormed over to me and slapped me in the face.

"Oh, you wanna go??" I teased as I pushed Jax against the wall...again. I snickered. Jax stood up once again and toppled over to the pile of boxes as he gripped his head, trying to focus his vision. He glared at me once his vision was back to normal.

"You. Are. A. Bi[%$#@]."

"NO SWEARING!!" Caine yelled.

"Y/N, you're amazing," Zooble whispered in my ear. I grinned as I winked at Zooble. They blushed a bit as I turned my attention back to Jax and stuck my tongue out. Jax rolled his eyes as he muttered something to himself.

"Anywaysss..." Caine hummed. "Ready for our next game?"

Everybody nodded--besides Zooble and Jax. Zooble was groaning and Jax was glaring at me like he was plotting a murder. While me? I was ready for some rabbit stew.

"Our next game is..."


I loved how this chapter turned out! I also loved Y/N having magic now--who's ready to "torture" Jax with me?? I know I am!! Haha. Anyways, I do hope you liked reading this chapter, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!! <3

-Sincerely, CB

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