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I sat on the edge of my bed, staring at the ground beneath me. I was mentally exhausted. Yet, Jax and I still have to practice our performance one more time until we show off what we practiced. But...I just needed time alone right now. I'm sick of their fighting. Why can't Jax and Zooble get along for once? Why don't they notice that there's no need to fight in the first place?

While I was lost in my own thoughts, I heard knocking on my bedroom door.

"Y/N? Are you there?" Zooble's voice asked me. I stayed silent and took a deep breath. "Y/N...?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm here," I finally respond.

"Could we come in?"

We. There's more than Zooble outside of my door. I assume it's Jax, but I won't know until the door opens...or until the other voice speaks.

"Come on, Y/N, we don't have all day," Jax's voice groaned.

"Be nice to her," Zooble hissed. Jax stayed quiet, so I assumed he rolled his eyes.

"You can come in. The door should be unlocked," I informed them.

"Eh, either way, I have the keys to everybody's room," Jax replied while opening the door. It was indeed Jax and Zooble who decided to check in on me.

"Why did you guys come in?" I wondered.

"Isn't it obvious? Or do you need me to spell it out?" Jax sighed. Zooble rolled their eyes.

"What we're saying is that we're worried about you. Are you okay?" Zooble wondered.

"I'm fine," I lied. "I just needed time to cool off."

Jax raised an eyebrow. "Suurree...we still need to practice our performance. If you're not up for it tonight, I guess we can call it off--"

"No, no. I'll be fine. We already have it planned anyways. We just need to practice it some more. Oh! How are Kinger and Gangle doing on their performances?"

"They're fine. They're taking a break on the stage right now," Zooble explained. "So, are you sure you're okay? What you did out there--for us--was unlike anything we've seen before when it comes to our fights. Usually people pick sides, or coward in fear, waiting for it to resolve. Never has anybody tried to resolve it before. You're...kinda heroic for doing that."

"Yada yada, enough with the cheesy sh[%$#@]t," Jax yawned. He was staring at his yellow gloved hand, pretending to not be impressed. I could tell he felt concerned though. Maybe he just doesn't want to admit it in front of Zooble.

"I'll go back to Ragatha and Pomni to continue practicing our trick. See you around, Y/N," Zooble chuckles as they left my bedroom. Now it was just Jax and I. Jax's demeanor changed a bit. He seems more...concerned...than he did before when Zooble was around.

"Did you really...mean that?" Jax asked. I cocked my head to the side and raised an eyebrow.


"Did you really mean what you said back there? That you...admire my honesty?" Jax muttered. He didn't seem to want to admit it to himself, but he really did care about what I think. Only if I knew it at that time, however.

"Of course I mean it!"

Jax stared at me for the longest moment, to the point a shiver went down my spine.

"Let's...just practice our circus act one more time."

"Alright," I agreed. I followed Jax out of the circus tent, and headed out back again. "Ready?"

"Yeah...I'm ready," Jax tells me. We go into our places, and practice our circus act. Jax didn't say anything snarky, nor anything sneaky like he always does...which I found odd.

After practicing our act multiple times, I asked, "hey, are you alright? You're acting...a bit odd."

Jax looks at me for a moment and nods.

"Of course I'm fine!" Jax scoffed.

"Alright, if you say so. Do you think we're ready for tonight?"

Jax grinned, "more than ready."

I nodded as we both went inside the tent, waiting for the show to begin.


I hope you liked this chapter, since I tried my best while writing it! I like how I wrote it, and I really hope the character's personalities were as accurate as possible. With that being said, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day <3

-Sincerely, CB

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