Circus Of the Fittest

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Everybody was soon inside the tent, ready to perform their acts in front of everybody. Caine teleported in front of us, looking really excited for our circus acts.

"Hello everyone! Who's ready to perform tonight~?" Caine wondered.

"I'm not," Zooble grumbled. "I can barely do anything that remotely needs flexibility."

"I-I'm confident with mine..." Gangle muttered.

"Yeah!" Kinger agreed.

"Fantastic!" Caine exclaimed. "Whose group wanna go first?"

We were silent. Who even wanted to go first in the first place?

"Nobody? Want me to choose at random??" Caine asked.

I was going to say something, but Jax slapped my arm. I guess he doesn't want us to go first.

"We can go first," Pomni muttered. Ragatha nodded, while Zooble rolled their eyes.

"Yeah. We can go. Might as well get it over with," Zooble huffed.

"Ready to start?" Caine questioned.

"Yeah, I guess we are," Ragatha replied.

The 3 characters got into their positions and started their circus act. Pomni was on the high podium towards the left, Ragatha was standing steadily on a tight rope, and Zooble clipped their claw onto a hanging hoop from the ceiling. Zooble swung back and forth, and then jumped onto this platform that seemed to be built into the stage at this time.

Zooble landed on the platform, and the rope that Ragatha was standing on launched her into the air. She grabbed the bar swing and started swinging back and forth, giving herself more momentum. Pomni took a "leap of faith" and grabbed onto Ragatha's leg carefully. Zooble leaped up into the air and hooked her claw onto Pomni's leg.

Pomni winced a bit, but kept her composure. All three of them were swinging back and forth, the bar swing keeping their momentum. The last thing they did was Ragatha letting go of the swing and each of them let go of the other's leg. They all landed on the trampoline simultaneously, leaped up high in the air, then landed onto the stage flawlessly.

I was the first to start clapping, then everybody else followed my lead.

"Good job!!" Caine congratulated them.

"Thanks!" Ragatha exclaimed. They hurried off the stage.

"Who's next?" Caine wondered. Gangle raised her flimsy hand.

"W-We can go next..." Gangle volunteered. Which meant Jax and I were last. Fantastic.

"Perfect! Then go on up to the stage and start your act!" Caine explained.

Gangle and Kinger went up onto the stage. Gangle went onto the tightrope while Kinger waited and stood there. I assumed Gangle was going to do the first move. Gangle took a deep breath as she jumped from the tightrope onto the bar swing. But her legs were curled onto the bars instead of her arms. She was hanging upside down, and while swinging, Kinger gripped onto her arms. Gangle was swinging herself back and forth for momentum.

The swing was lightly swinging them back and forth, probably because of how flimsy her ribbon body was. But she manages to swing the swing forward enough to unloop her legs. Kinger and Gangle went flying onto the hoop swing that was also hanging from the ceiling. Gangle wrapped her arms around the hoop swing while Kinger gripped onto Gangle's legs. It looked like Gangle was doing most of the work in this circus act, but I digress.

Gangle pulled Kinger's body up to the hoop swing, using only her legs. They both moved their legs back and forth, making the hoop swing go forwards and backwards. When the swing was swinging fast enough, they both let go of the hoop swing and landed onto the stage with no difficulties.

I started clapping, and everybody followed my lead once more.

"Great job! Please take a seat. Lastly is Y/N and Jax!" Caine announced. Jax rolled his eyes.

"I just want to get this over with. Come on, Y/N, let's show them what true acrobatics look like."

Once I walked up on stage, my stomach dropped. All eyes were on me and Jax. Please don't mess up. Please don't mess up.

I kept on chanting the same thing in my head over and over again. It was driving me insane.

Once I stood on the high podium on the far right, I stared at the bar swing that was in front of me. I looked in Jax's direction, and he had a look of smugness and a hint of worry too. We were both worried about messing up.

I took a deep breath, and whispered a count of three.


Then I took a leap of faith.


Hey guys!! I love how this chapter turned out, and I hope you liked it too! Since I really did try my hardest on it. And it was hard thinking about what the others should do on their circus acts, and explaining it was a bit difficult. So this chapter was probably a bit boring to read, but I hoped you enjoyed it nonetheless!

-Sincerely, CB

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