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After hanging out with Gangle, I went over to my dorm room. After closing the door behind me, I plopped onto my bed. I stared at the ceiling, trying to go to bed the best I could. But the issue was that I wasn't tired. No matter how hard I tried, I wouldn't go to sleep.

I simply got up from my bed, and went over to my shelf and picked out a book to read, hoping I would fall asleep eventually. I sat on my bed, my back resting against my pillow, and I started reading the first chapter. This book was a fantasy novel, and it was pretty intriguing. Once I made it to chapter five, I put a bookmark in between the two pages and closed it.

Placing the book on my bedside table, I turned off the lamp, and closed my eyes. Eventually I drifted off to sleep...

I was in a dark room, with no lights. I looked around aimlessly, but there was seemingly nothing to help me. Nothing I could touch or feel. Everything was numb. My vision was becoming blurry as I stood up. I started walking around, trying to grasp my surroundings.

There was nothing that I recognized, and nothing that I could possibly see. It freaked me out. Is this death? Am I dying?

I tried to speak, but nothing came out. Not. A. Single. Word.

I started running. Trying to grasp something that isn't darkness. But no--nothing. I wanted help. I needed to find a way out.


I woke up in a cold sweat, my breath was in quick huffs, trying to calm myself down. The darkness. It was haunting...and it scared me. But luckily it's morning now...the darkness can't catch me'

There was a knock on the door. I brushed my hair real quick and put it in a quick pony tail before opening the door. It was Caine.

"Ready for our circus acts and then another in-house adventure??" Caine wondered.

"Yep! I'm ready!" I lied.

"Then come and meet us in the main area!!" Caine orders before he disappears into thin air. I closed the door behind me, and started walking to the main area. Everybody was already there, waiting for me, which I expected. I'm always last.

"Now that everybody's here, let's eat breakfast first before doing our circus acts!" Caine ordered.

"Thank God," Jax taunted. We all went over to the dining table. I sat in my normal spot and started eating. It seemed to be eggs, bacon, and pancakes with syrup.

After we finished breakfast, Cain teleported in front of us.

"Are you guys ready to do your circus acts?!"

"No," Zooble hissed.

"Great! Let's start!" Caine exclaimed, ignoring Zooble's comment. To that, Zooble rolled his eyes.

We all got in our positions, and the theme song played.

Gangle, and Zooble, and Kinger too!

Ragatha, Jax, Y/N, and there's Pomni, woo-hoo!

Day after, day after- Day after- Day after day we fly!

Past the moon and the sun and we don't know why!!

Everybody one by one did their circus acts. Gangle with her jokes, Zooble with their juggling, Kinger with his fortress, Ragatha with her dancing, Jax with his acrobat skills, Pomni with her circus act, and me--with my magical acrobat skills.

After the circus acts, Caine clapped and applauded our skills. Though, I did wonder, what skills does Caine have?

"You guys did amazing--" I decided to cut Caine off.

"Hey, out of curiosity, since we do circus acts, I do wonder...what skills do you have?" I wondered, cocking my head to the side. That question threw Caine off guard and he looked nervous.

"U-Um...leadership skills!" Caine fibbed.

"Hmm...okay," I sighed. I decided to let it slide, though I did feel bad that Caine might not have any actual talent to begin with.

"A-Anyways...let's start our in-house adventure, shall we?" Caine chuckled.

"Mhm!" Ragatha agreed.

Caine nodded as he explained our adventure for today.


I really didn't like how I wrote this chapter, since it went by pretty quickly and it was too fast paced for my liking, but it was rushed, so it was expected that I wouldn't like it that much. I hope you enjoyed reading it though, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day <3

-Sincerely, CB

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