First Move

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My eyes glared at the ground as I gripped the bar swing as fast as humanely possible. My mind and heart were racing. Jax didn't seem to have an issue making the bar swing, though, which I silently envied.

I rocked my body back and forth, trying to catch momentum. Jax did the same thing, and once again, didn't seem to struggle whatsoever. On another whisper of 3 Jax and I switched to the other bar swing. We did a few swing tricks, like loops and stuff, and then I winked at Jax slyly to cue him on jumping down.

We let go of the bar swings that were sustaining us. Before hitting the ground, I lifted us up with my magic that Caine generously gave me yesterday. While in the air, something shocking happened that made me minorly freaked out. Jax held my hand. I tried to ignore it, since a few moments later he let go and started doing the rehearsed flips in the air with me.

After flipping around in the air, I let us go with my magic and we landed on the trampoline. We both spun around, and landed on the ground. They started clapping. I felt hella relieved that nothing failed. We did it.

"Thank you, thank you. I know I'm awesome," Jax chidded. Now he's saying "I'm" instead of "we." Touche.

"Good job, Jax and Y/N!" Caine exclaimed. "You guys did great!"

Caine said that while mainly looking at me. I smiled towards him sweetly.

"Now that you've all performed, you must be so tired! So our Bubble chef has made us dinner! Dig in!"

"Made with all the love I'm legally allowed to give..." Bubble chuckled the same sentence he says every night. We all sat in our respective spots and started eating. Dinner for tonight was a star-shaped steak with white stuff, which I assumed was mashed potatoes.

"You did great, Y/N," Pomni complimented me.

"Aw thanks! You did too," I replied. Pomni smiled.

"Nah. You d-did better," She stated. I shook my head.

"Each of us did equally great. There's nobody who did 'better.' I can promise that," I answered. Everybody looked at me. "What?"

"Oh, it's nothing," Ragatha chuckled. "I just find it...amazing how you can turn every situation into a positive one, or you resolve any bad situation you see. It's kinda soothing knowing we have you as a friend."

Blush flushed upon my cheeks as I grinned.

"Thanks..." I muttered. I try staying coy, but sometimes I do want to brag about how good I am at resolving conflicts. But I always bite my tongue before I do.

After dinner, I got up to head to my room. I heard footsteps, however, who seemed to be following me. I turned around, and it was Jax.

"Uh hey," I greeted him with a small smile. "What's up?"

Jax caught up to me and grinned.

"Oh, I just wanted to say that we did great during the performance. Like we should, since we do actual acrobatics every morning," Jax noted.

"Yeah...we did do great," I agreed. "But...I do have a question. Why did you--um--held my hand briefly before we started doing our flips?" I wondered. Jax raised an eyebrow in pretend confusion.

"Huh? I dunno what you mean. You must be imagining things, dollface," Jax replied and headed over to his room. "G'night."

Jax went into his bedroom, closing the door carefully behind him. He left me in the middle of the hallway, in denial and dumbfounded. I shook my head, trying to knock any negative thoughts out as I headed to my bedroom as well.

Once I was in my room, I let out a heavy sigh. Today was a busy day, and Jax was hard to keep up with. Along with Zooble and Jax's fight too. That argument is still bothering me, and getting under my skin, but I tried to ignore it the best I can. Dwelling on the past won't do anything for me. There will probably be more fights I resolve in the future, and that's that.

I went over to my bed, and plopped onto its comfy sheets. This bed was way too comfortable, and I could easily fall asleep right now without much was so cozy...

I stared at the ceiling above me and closed my eyes. The room was deathly silent besides my own steady breathing. It was soothing and my body felt like it was floating on a cloud. Slowly but surely I slowly lost consciousness...


This chapter is a bit lackluster, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! I liked writing it, and I hope it was worthwhile to read! Without further ado, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

-Sincerely, CB

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