Relaxing Night

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Eventually there was a knock on my door, who I assumed was Caine, for our adventure and meal. I opened the door, and I seemed to have been correct.

"Hello Y/N! Would you like to come to the main stage with the others? I have another adventure for us!" Caine exclaimed.

"Of course I can! I'm excited for this adventure," I tell him. Caine smiles.

"I'm glad! Go over to the main stage, we'll be waiting patiently for you!"

With that, Caine disappears, promptly waiting for me to go over to the main stage area of the circus. I left my bedroom, closing the door softly behind me as I headed over to the main area of the digital circus.

Everybody was seemingly waiting for me, which I did feel bad for keeping them waiting. Though, at least Caine came to get me. Or else they would've waited much longer.

"Now, my friends, since everybody is here, let me explain what we're doing for our adventure today! And don't worry, this one will be relaxing!"

"Ugh, why do we have to do adventures every day? Can't one day be relaxing?" Zooble groaned.

"Don't worry, Zooble! This one will be more relaxing than our other adventures by far! Follow me to outside of the tent!!"

Everybody exchanged glances with one another and followed Caine outside.

"For our little adventure, we're just going to be watching fireworks! Since I know how hard you guys work on a day-to-day basis, this will be a relaxing night before dinner that Bubble is finishing up! Enjoy the firework show, and I'll tell you guys when it's time for dinner!"

"Wait, really?" Ragatha gasped.

"Yep! Enjoy!" Caine yelled out before disappearing. All of us eventually sat on the grass below us as the fireworks started shooting up into the starry night sky, and made beautiful colors. Red. Blue. Green. Purple. Orange. It was all so pretty, and I was easily impressed by how gorgeous digital fireworks seemed to be.

"Huh...I guess this 'adventure' finally isn't half bad," Zooble admitted.

"Yeah! They're so pretty..." Gangle agreed.

"I guess this time Caine was generous. I doubt it'll happen again, though, so let's not get used to it," Jax warned.

"Come on, let's just enjoy the night as it is," Ragatha tells us. "Let's only think about the present."

"Wise words!" Kinger chuckled.

"Eh. Not really," Jax chided. Ragatha shot him a glance of annoyance.

"The colors are very pretty, though," I stated. They all nodded in agreement.

"Y-Yeah..." Pomni muttered under her breath.

The fireworks were dazing to look at, and were very vibrant. Something I should be used to if I live here. Yet, it still surprises me how bright everything seems to be.

While staring up at the colorful lights and the deep black night sky, Caine teleported in front of us once the firework show was over.

"Bubble is finished making dinner! Once you guys are ready, head over to the table!!"

Everybody headed inside the tent after a while, though I still wanted to stay outside. The darkness was soothing, and helped me relax. Maybe I can go back outside after dinner? I still want to stare at the night sky a bit, since the stars are pretty. Even the moon--though "frisky" according to Caine--doesn't seem to be giving us much issue. Only creeping out Caine.

"Made with all of the love I'm--" Bubble was cut off.

"Legally allowed to give. Yeah, yeah, yeah," Jax huffed.

"Hey! No stealing my line!" Bubble yelped.

"Too late. I just did. Cry about it."

Bubble whimpered and teleported away.

We all sat at our normal spots and started eating. Dinner tonight was something that looked like chicken, and something white which I assumed was mashed potatoes.

Even though I wasn't that hungry, I still ate the food anyways. It was actually pretty good--it still surprises me every time--knowing that Bubble is a very good chef.

After dinner, everybody seemed to go to their bedroom, but I decided to leave the tent and gaze at the stars. They were so pretty, and shiny too. I sat on the grass, where the firework show was an hour ago, and stared at the glistening white orbs of pure clarity. I smiled to myself as star gazing felt like an appropriate activity to do at this time.

I hummed to myself quietly while staring at the inky black sky that's filled with white shining stars. While looking up at the sky, I heard subtle footsteps behind me.

"Hey," Ragatha greeted me as she sat next to me on the same patch of grass I was sitting on.

"Oh hey. What's up?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Nothing much."

"Makes sense."

"Have you been doing okay?" Ragatha wondered. I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm fine."

"Alright...since I know you're new to this place and everything--it must be pretty jarring."

"I mean, you're not wrong. It is jarring. But I'm just trying my best to stay calm. Like going outside once in a while and stuff."

"That makes sense. You're actually doing better than how Pomni did when she first arrived. Not to be mean to Pomni or anything--she's an amazing girl. But she was way too terrified, and even abandoned me when...well...I was glitching out. That's a whole story for another day, though. But you--you're actually helping all of us cope with being in this digital circus. The opposite of what Pomni was doing. It's interesting seeing how different people react to being transported to this hellscape."

I stayed silent, unable to know how to respond to that. Did Pomni actually do that to poor Ragatha? I should probably confront her about that at some point, since Pomni seemed to care about me a lot. An action like that seems to unlike her.

"I'm sorry to hear about that, Ragatha. At least you're okay now."

" least I'm okay now..."


This chapter was a bit shorter, but I hope it was still intriguing to read nonetheless! This chapter was pretty laid back, though there hasn't been action yet. Don't worry! There will be action soon. I'm just developing the characters first and the relationships that Y/N will soon form. That's why it's been a pretty slow beginning. But, regardless, I still hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!!

-Sincerely, CB

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